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Name: Subjective content of sign images and stages of its description on the basis of nuclear units of language consciousness of primary school students

Authors: E. B. Chernishova

Borisoglebsk branch Voronezh State University, Borisoglebsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2017Pages 299-306
UDK: 81’23DOI: 10.17223/18137083/60/25

Abstract: The article deals with psycholinguistic approach to the contents (value) of language signs. In Russian psycholinguistics the language meaning is considered in the speech process of a native speaker / culture. Value as the image of the individual consciousness – is the social experience of the subject, the image projected on the sign. Considering the subjective content of the iconic image, A. A. Leontiev allocates its invariant component and individual psychological characteristics. The article proposes a description of the procedure of modeling subjective evaluation units of the nuclear content of language consciousness of 7–10 years old schoolchildren. This procedure involves the holding of a free associative experiment, simulation of associative fields, activity of associations as the linguistic interpretation of the components of the subjective content of representations of iconic images, the construction of its structural model. Passing these steps is demonstrated with the material based on word-stimuli ugly, beautiful. At the end we draw a conclusion that the subjective content of the sign depends on its mental functions in the activity of a native speaker and we talk about heuristic capabilities of this procedure for modeling of language awareness of different cultures and for various age, gender, regional and social groups.

Keywords: language consciousness, subjective content of the language sign, cognitive / communicative invariants of the language sign


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