Table of Content of Issue 3, 2009
Study of literature Igor V. Silantev
Lyrical motif in a text written in verse and prose (second paper)
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Victoria V. Trubitsyna
"Pastoral" songs by A.P. Sumarokov
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Elena E. Prikazchikova
Favouritism as a historico-cultural and literary phenomenon in the Russia of the second half of the 18th century
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Svetlana M. Kozlova, Marina A. Zimina
Historical dynamics of the madness discourse in the comedy "Wit Works Woe" by A.S. Griboyedov
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Eugenia A. Adam
From the history of the translator transformations of A.P. Chekhov's drama "Three sisters" in Germany
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Elena L. Suzryukova
The narrowed field of vision in the prose works by A.P. Chekhov
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Elena V. Shishparonok
The existentional problem of man's quest for his own faith in A.P. Chekhov`s works in the late eighties and in the early nineties of the 19th century
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Nina E. Razumova, Antonina Y. Karpova
Gerhart Hauptmann's Comedies in Russian Critique's Perception
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Yuliya Y. Vlasova
Reception of Gerhart Hauptmann's drama "The Lonely" in the Russia of the early twentieth century
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Marina A. Bologova
Concerning Kafka (On some of F. Kafka's reminiscences in the book of collected stories "That country" by E. Shklovsky
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Yuliya G. Khazankovich
Ways and jams of critique: On the present-day state of affairs in the research into literatures of smaller peoples of the North and Siberia
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Linguistics Lyudmila I. Gorbunova
Semantic structure of the adjective prefix сверх- in the light of the localistic theory
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Simchit Kyzyl-Maadyr
On the lexeme haiyrakan in Tuvinian shamanism
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Tatyana B. Tagarova
Functional-stylistic differentiation of phraseological units in the buryat language
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Irina V. Evseeva
A formative family of words as a question-answer dialogical unit
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Anastasia A. Shumilova
Word-formative synonymy: cognitive vision of the problem
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Elvira S. Denisova
Problems of word creation in the context of V. von Humboldt's anthropological theory of language (genetic and functional aspect)
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Galina V. Fedyuneva
Pronouns in a cognitive aspect
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Gansukh Khiis
Morphological peculiarities of verbs in the Tsengel subdialect
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Tatyana N. Permyakova
On the components of the informative structure of conjunctions
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Vera M. Telyakova
One-actant passive and causative constructions of the Shor language (comparative analysis)
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Larisa V. Ozolin′
Communicative aspects of the sentence (on the materials of the Orok language)
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Mira V. Bavuu-Syuryun, Ulamsurengiyn Tsetsegdar, Kh. Gansukh, B. Bayarsaikhan
On the classification of the dialects of the Tuvinian language
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Natalia A. Sivtseva
A.E. Kulakovsky's view on the compilation of a practical grammar of the Yakut language
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Aleksandra M. Grebneva
Semantics and dialect synonimics of words nominating grass plants in Mordovian languages
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Review Natalia A. Nepomnyashchikh
The re-read Leonov. Review of the book; L.P. Yakimova. Narratives by Leonid Leonov about the Revolution and the Civil War as a genre-thematic and semantico-poetic cycle. Novosibirsk. Publishing House of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Scie
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Scientific life Irina I. Plekhanova
The International scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Irkutsk State University and the Department of philology and journalism "Modern Times in the Reflection Mirror: Language - Culture - Education." (Irkutsk, October 6-9, 2008)
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