Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Pronouns in a cognitive aspect  

Authors: Galina V. Fedyuneva

Institute of language, literature and history, Komi science centre of the Ural branch of the Russian academy of sciences

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2009Pages 124-128
UDK: 801.541.DOI:

Abstract: The guestions raised up in the article are connected with determination of role and functions of the language in the human cognitive activity. The subject under consideration includes the deictic words, firstly pronouns and their derivatives, whose unique-ness in organization and conceptualization of the semantic field of the language is not disputed anymore. Innovative approaches to the language material proposed in the last two decades by the cognitive linguistics make it possible to connect the semantics of pronominal words with the conceptual sphere of human speech behavior. In the opinion of the author, the deictic systems play an important role in the process of understanding the outworld by a human; they serve as a link that connects the semantic, semiotic and conceptual fields in the communicative and cognitive activities of linguistic-culturological communities; they also take part in creation of a national linguistic world view.

Keywords: cognitive grammer, pronouns


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