Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 3, 2022

In memory of E. K. Romodanovskaya, the Corresponding Member of the RAS (on the 85th anniversary of her birth)

Panich T. V.
The author in the structure of the text of the “Siberian Epistles” of Ignatius (Rimsky-Korsakov)
In detail

Kovaleva T. I.
To the study of the structure of hagiographic fragments containing visions (Kiyevo-Pecherskiy Patericon and the Life of Alexander Svirsky)
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Titova L. V.
A unique fragment of the “Conversation between a father and his son about female malice”
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Kurysheva L. A.
Fairy-tale fantasy in Russian handwritten fiction of the late 17th – first third of the 18th centuries
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Matkhanova N. P.
Е. К. Ромодановская, В. И. Малышев, научная коммуникация, эпистолярий, история науки
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Romodanovskaya V. A.
Igor P. Eremin in the letters of Varvara P. Adrianova-Peretz to Nikolay K. Gudziy
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Study of literature

Sevastyanova S. K., Rylik P. A., Bondach A. G.
History of the patriarch Nicon’s trial written by Paisius Ligarides, metropolitan of Gaza: research and translation issues
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Volkov O. I.
“…Wonderful type, quite like Cooper’s Pathfinder: something is in him so spontaneous!”: the novel “Pathfinder” by J. F. Cooper in the creative perception of I. S. Turgenev
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Proskurina E. N., Silantev I. V.
Peculiarity of the memory plot in the poem by Boris Volkov “Brought on the scaffold”
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Mamatov G. M.
Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the works of Boris Poplavsky
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Prokhorova L. P.
Precedent Phenomena in “Tomskaya Pisanitsa Park, Kemerovo” crown of sonnets by Andy Croft
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Kalashnikova A. L.
Functions of author’s legends and traditions in the novel by A. V. Ivanov “The Rebellion’s Gold”
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Study of folklore

Oynotkinova N. R.
Calendar rites and holidays of the Altaians and Teleuts: classification and general characteristics
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Shakhov P. S., Zubov I. V., Leonova N. V.
Moksha song folklore of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Republic of Khakassia (on the relationship between autochthonous and migratory folklore traditions)
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Petrosyan V. Z.
Diachronic and achronic characteristics of a dull sibilant ս (s) of Old Armenian language
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Timkin T. V.
First syllable vowels in Surgut Khanty according to the ultrasonography data
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Gryaznovа V. M.
Potential words in the Russian literary language of the first half and middle of the 19th century: the basis of selection, specificity
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Speranskaya A. N., Baranchikova A. D.
Dynamics of the attribute connections of the noun klyatva ‘an oath’ to the National Corpus of the Russian Language
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Olkhovskaya A. I.
New Russian synonymy in the aspect of language attraction
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Brodsky I. V.
Names of guelder rose (Viburnum) in Finno-Ugric Languages
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Koshkareva N. B., Abzhaparova M.
Color designations as intensifiers in the Kazakh language in comparison with Turkic languages of Southern Siberia
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Shamina L. A.
On the question of analytical constructions and synthetic forms in the Tuvan language
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Fedina N. N.
Contraction of analytic constructions in Chalkan (on example of analytic construction -yp al-)
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Boginskaya O. A.
Representation of expert knowledge in institutional discourse practices
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Kuzmina M. A.
Interdisciplinary basis of the study of evaluative associative dominants
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Kobeleva I. A.
Phraseological dictionary of Russian dialects of the Tyumen region A book review: Bagirova E. P., Belyakova S. M. Frazeologicheskiy slovar’ russkikh govorov Tyumenskoy oblasti [Phraseological dictionary of Russian dialects of the Tyumen region]
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Scientific life

Safonova E. A., Saynakova N. V., Kurysheva M. V.
Results of the all-Russian scientific and practical conference “Children’s book in the digital age” with international participation
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