Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Igor P. Eremin in the letters of Varvara P. Adrianova-Peretz to Nikolay K. Gudziy Authors: Romodanovskaya V. A. Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskiy Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation In the section In memory of E. K. Romodanovskaya, the Corresponding Member of the RAS (on the 85th anniversary of her birth)
Abstract: The school of academician Vladimir Peretz became the basis of modern historical and philological studies of the Russian Middle Ages. Varvara Adrianova-Peretz and Nikolai Gudziy were his students in Kiev and Igor Eremin at Petrograd University. The paper considers the attitude of the older generation of V. N. Peretz’s students to the younger ones by considering the example of I. P. Eremin. The research material is the longterm correspondence of Adrianova-Peretz and Gudziy stored at the Institute of Russian Literature. The letters mainly concern scholarly issues, situation in the Pushkin House, and staff of the Department of Old Russian Literature. Eremin worked in the Department since 1934. In her letters written in the 1930s, Varvara Pavlovna talks about Eremin’s participation in collective works, expresses concern about his personal life and writes about his connections with the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Since 1947, when Adrianova-Peretz took over the management of the Department, her relationship with Eremin became quite complicated. While recognizing Eremin’s talent and efficiency, Varvara Pavlovna expressed her preference in organizing the work in the Department not to V. N. Peretz’s pupils (I. P. Eremin and M. O. Skripil) but to her own, D. S. Likhachev, who became the head of the Department in 1954 to work with his own students. Eremin’s activities limited to the Pushkin House were fully concentrated on Leningrad University where he established his own school in the tradition of V. N. Peretz, with L. Dmitriev, N. Demkova, and E. Romodanovskaya being its members. Keywords: Igor P. Eremin, Varvara P. Adrianova-Peretz, Old Russian literature, Institute of Russian Literature Bibliography: Adrianova-Peretts V. P. Pamyati Igorya Petrovicha Eremina [In memory of Igor Petrovich Eremin]. Russkaya Literatura . 1964, no. 1, pp. 239–240. Byalyy G. A. Varvara Pavlovna Adrianova-Peretts. In: Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury [Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1974, vol. 29: Voprosy istorii russkoy srednevekovoy literatury. Pamyati V. P. Adrianovoy-Peretts [Questions of the history of Russian medieval literature. In memory of V. P. Adrianova-Peretz]. pp. 44–46. Dmitriev L. A. Igor’ Petrovich Eremin: Nekrolog [Igor Petrovich Eremin: Obituary]. In: Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury [Proceedings of the Department of Old Rus-sian Literature]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1964, vol. 20, pp. 418–424. Eremin I. P. Literaturnoe nasledie Kirilla Turovskogo [The literary legacy of Kirill Turovsky]. In: Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury [Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1955, vol. 11, pp. 342–367. Eremin I. P. Literaturnoe nasledie Kirilla Turovskogo (okonchanie) [The literary legacy of Kirill Turovsky (end)]. In: Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury [Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1956, vol. 12, pp. 340–361. Eremin I. P. Skazanie o knyazekh vladimirskikh [The Legend of the Princes of Vla-dimir]. In: Istoriya russkoy literatury: V 10 t. [History of Russian Literature: In 10 vols]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1945, vol. 2, pt. 1: Literatura 1220-kh – 1580-kh gg. [Literature of the 1220s – 1580s]. pp. 306–309. Gudziy N. K., Yakovlev M. A. Povesti (v perevodakh 11 – nachala 13 veka) [Novel-las (in translations of the 11th – beginning of the 13th century)]. In: Istoriya russkoy literatury: V 10 t. [History of Russian Literature: In 10 vols]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1941, vol. 1: Literatura 11 – nachala 13 veka [Literature of the 11th – early 13th centuries], pp. 135–169. Ivanov M. V. Blagodarnost’ za nedoskazannoe: K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Grigoriya Abramovicha Byalogo [Gratitude for the unsaid: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of Grigory Abramovich Byaly]. Sankt-Peterburgskiy universitet . 2005, no. 28–29 (3720–3721). 26 Dec. Іstorіya ukraїns’koї lіteraturi [History of Ukrainian literature]. O. I. Biletsky, S. I. Maslov, I. P. Yeromin (Eds). Kyiv, Kharkiv, 1947, vol. 1, pt. 1: 1. Lіteratura Kiїvs’koї Rusі. 2. Davnya ukraїns’ka lіteratura (do seredini 16 st.) [1. Literature of the Kiyevskaya Rus’. 2. Old Ukrainian literature (up to the middle of the 16th century)]. 224 p. Likhachev D. S. Neskol’ko slov o S. I. Vavilove kak initsiatore serii “Literaturnye pamyatniki” [A few words about S. I. Vavilov as the initiator of the series “Literary Monuments”]. In: Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov: Ocherki i vospominaniya [Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov: Essays and memoirs]. 3rd ed. Moscow, 1991, pp. 292–293. Robinson M. A. Akademik V. N. Peretts – uchenik i uchitel’ [Academician V. N. Peretz – student and teacher]. In: Slavyanskiy al’manakh 2002 [Slavic Almanac 2002]. Moscow, 2003, pp. 178–236. Rozhdestvenskaya M. V. Perepiska V. P. Adrianovoy-Peretts i N. K. Gudziya: Po arkhivnym materialam [Correspondence of V. P. Adrianova-Peretz and N. K. Gudzia: According to archival materials]. In: Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoy literatury [Pro-ceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature]. St. Petersburg, 1993, vol. 46, pp. 186–193. Simeon Polotskiy. Izbrannye sochineniya [Selected writings]. I. P. Eremin, M. O. Skripil’ (Eds). Moscow, Leningrad, 1953, 281 p. (Literaturnye pamyatniki [Literary Monuments]) |
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