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Name: Precedent Phenomena in “Tomskaya Pisanitsa Park, Kemerovo” crown of sonnets by Andy Croft

Authors: Prokhorova L. P.

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2022Pages 125-139
UDK: 808.2; 811.111DOI: 10.17223/18137083/80/11


The paper considers the poetic work of the English poet Andy Croft “Tomskaya Pisanitsa Park, Kemerovo” created under the impression of visiting the museum-reserve of the same name. The crown of sonnets written in English in the form of Onegin stanza shows numerous references to national-specific and universal precedent phenomena functioning on formal, content, and language levels of the text. This work is of relevance due to the importance of studying the problem of precedent phenomena functioning in poetic discourse in general and in the poet’s idiostyle in particular. The analysis of the phenomenon of precedence in various aspects is performed by consistently considering the transformation of the solid poetic form of the crown of sonnets as a manifestation of precedence at the architectonics level. The key thesis of the study is that the poet’s orientation towards including the precedent-setting phenomena is based on two main factors: 1) the desire to understand the new cultural environment by comparing its phenomena with the phenomena of his native or world culture; 2) the intention to create a peculiar encyclopedia of human civilization with its cultural and historical layers. The complex analysis of the poem revealed the peculiarities of the realization and functional role of precedent phenomena. This study deals with general problems of text theory and culture studies. However, the perspectives of further analysis of precedent phenomena are to investigate the new spheres of precedent phenomena functioning and cultural memory aspect in poetic discourse.

Keywords: Andy Croft, precedent phenomena, crown of sonnets, dialogue of cultures, Onegin stanza, palimpsest


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