Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Phraseological dictionary of Russian dialects of the Tyumen region A book review: Bagirova E. P., Belyakova S. M. Frazeologicheskiy slovar’ russkikh govorov Tyumenskoy oblasti [Phraseological dictionary of Russian dialects of the Tyumen region]

Authors: Kobeleva I. A.

Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 3, 2022Pages 339-343
UDK: 811.161.1.28DOI: 10.17223/18137083/80/26


Phraseological Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Tyumen region was prepared by E. P. Bagirova and S. M. Belyakova and published in 2020 by Tyumen State University. The dictionary covers the phraseological spectrum of dialects of all districts of the Tyumen region, including almost 2,400 phrases recorded in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The material collected reflects a broad understanding of phraseology, with phraseological units, ritual terminology, proverbs, riddles, omens, and well-wishes presented in the dictionary. This paper considers the phraseological material of the dictionary from the point of view of its lexicographic development, with the main attention paid to the microstructure of the dictionary. Each of the nine parameters proposed by the authors to describe the Tyumen phraseology is commented on. It is worth noting that most of these parameters are presented quite systematically and correspond to the principles declared. However, some critical remarks and suggestions have been made concerning the lexicographical presentation of some facts, which may be useful for a possible reissue of the dictionary. These comments focus on determining the initial form of idioms, distinguishing variant and synonymy, stating combinability, accuracy of definitions, and the selection of illustrative material. It should be pointed out that the dictionary under review significantly enriches modern Russian dialect phraseography and can undoubtedly be useful to scientists, teachers, local historians, and all those concerned with the fate of the folk word and traditional culture of the region.

Keywords: диалектная фразеология, лексикография, фразеография, словарь, словарная статья


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