Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 3, 2013

Study of folklore

Golovaneva Tatyana Alexnadrovna, Kuzmina Evgenia Nikolaevna
Nomination of the personages in the folklore of settled Koryaks: the range of models of world-building
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Proskurina Anna Vyacheslavovna
The role of Anglo Saxon tulas in transmission of information
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Study of literature

Panina Nina Leonidovna
The Nominative Complex of the Illuminated Manuscript Tradition
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Zhurova Ludmila Ivanovna
Path and movement in the plot of legends about icons (on the problem of the Christian symbols of water and air)
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Kozlov Aleksey Evgenyevich
The formation of provincial stories in the Russian literature of the end of 18th – the first third of the 19th century
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Alekseev Pavel Viktorovich
Savary's «Le Coran» as the source for the Pushkin's «Imitations of the Koran».
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Botkina Lyubov Nikolaevna
Semantics of compositional gaps in the novel by A.S. Pushkin «Eugene Onegin»
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Nikonova Natalya Egorovna
The literature of German Pietism and its Role in V.A. Zhukovsky's 1840-1850 Creative Pursuits
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Silantyev Igor Vitalyevich, Sozina Elena Konstantinovna
A narrative in literature and history. Based on the material diary prose by the A. Herzen of the 1840s
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Shtab Veronica Andreevna
Gogol type of hero in the works by Leo Tolstoy (based on the story «Two Hussars»)
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Sidelnikova Maria Leonidovna
Between life and death: the concept of the border in the semantic kernel of the ‘living’ picture motif
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Kholikov Aleksey Aleksandrovich
«Religion» as a supertheme in the second lifetime complete collection of works by D.S. Merezhkovsky
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Strelnikova Anna Borisovna
«Prose Poems» by O. Wilde in F. Sologub’s Translation
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Anisimov Kirill Vladislavovich, Kapinos Elena Vladimirovna
«The River Tavern»: Once again on the topic of «Bunin and the Symbolists»
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Bichevin Anatoliy Gennadyevich
The subjective and imaginative structure of N.S. Gumilev's «karavaevsky cycle»
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Kulikova Yelena Yuryevna
On two translations of «Malayan pantuns» by Leconte de Lisle
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Ostrovatikova Galina Anatolyevna
The poetics of the home in the story «The Shkid Republic» by G. Belykh and L. Panteleev
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Zhilicheva Galina Aleksandrovna
The Configuration of Time in the Narrative of B. Pasternak’s «Doctor Zhivago»
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Koroleva Yulia Igorevna
The «Gentle Death» in the twilight of civilization as a futurological problem in the Russian 20th century literature
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Maryin Dmitriy Vladimirovich
The Literary Scenario «It is reported from Lebyazhye» by V.M. Shukshin (from Text to Screen)
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Sobennikov Anatoliy Samuilovich
Fate and chance in the plays of A. Vampilov
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Sukhanova Sofya Yuryevna
Genre semantics of the eclogue in the cycle «Verses on love» by T. Kibirov
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Bologova Marina Aleksandrovna
The Motif of the Image in the Novel by E. Aipin «Mother of God in Blood-Red Snows»
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Makeenko Elena Vladimirovna
On the transformation of epistolary novel genre in contemporary Russian literature (Mikhail Shishkin, «Letter Writing Manual»)
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Gorbunova Victoria Aleksandrovna
Typical syntactic structures with the semantics of caused motion in «Paraenesis» of Ephraem Syrus
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Urtegeshev Nikolay Sergeevich, Ganenko Yuliya Aleksandrovna
Sibirian-Tatar language: vowel articulation settings according to the data of MRT
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Korol’kova Ol’ga Olegovna, Timofeeva Mariya Kirillovna
Lexical synonymy and lexical antonymy in the Russian Sign language
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Yakishchenko Elizaveta Anatolyevna
Lexical means expressing indignation in English and French (on the basis of the texts of fiction)
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Ivanova Galina Petrovna
Polypredicative constructions with infinitive in inessive case in Veps language (compared with Finnish language)
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Ondar Choygan Gennadyevich
The rhematic direct object case marking in the Tuvan language
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Zinnatullina Gulshat Khabirovna
Types and functions of the appellative identifiers (based on the literary texts of Tartar literature)
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Zakirov Alimzhan, Kozha Ergun, Kozha Ayshen
The role and functions of the conflict-triggering lexicon in the living conditions of Kyrgyzstan
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Baklanova Elena Alekseevna
Lexical peculiarities of the early stories by V. Nabokov (based on the quantitative text analysis)
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Kim Lidia Gustavna, Melnik Natalya Vladimirovna
Man in the linguistic dimension. Review of the manual by E.V. Ivantsova «Linguistic personology: the basics of the language personality theory». Tomsk, 2010. – 160 p.
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Krylov Yuriy Vladimirovich
The concept «happiness» in the modern advertising discourse
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Martynov Mikhail Yuryevich
Spatial semantics of the concept the power in the Russian political culture
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Tagarova Tatyana Boroevna
Gurulov S.A. Rivers of Baikal’s basin: historical and geographic name’s analysis. Irkutsk: publishing house of institute of geography by V.B. Sochava’s name of Syberian Department of Russia’s Academy of Sciencis, 2012. – 379
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