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Name: Lexical means expressing indignation in English and French (on the basis of the texts of fiction)

Authors: Yakishchenko Elizaveta Anatolyevna

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2013Pages 200-204
UDK: 811.111&DOI:

Abstract: This paper focuses on the means of expressing the emotion of indignation in English and French. The research is based on the texts of fiction. The analysis demonstrates that the emotion of indignation of personages is represented by verbs of talking, as well as adverbs and participles, intensifying their meaning. At the moment of indignation the speech of personages is characterized by emotional vocabulary and is accompanied by nonverbal means.

Keywords: indignation, verbs of talking, adverbs and participles, emotional words, nonverbal means


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