Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 4, 2019

Study of folklore

A. N. Varlamov , G. I. Varlamova
The Sky Shooter image in solar myths of the Tungus-Manchu peoples
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E. I. Ismagilova
Theme-motif content of the Fasting songs about Saint Yegorii and Tsmok (Dragon) recorded from the Belarusians of the Novosibirsk region
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K. A. Sagalaev
Visiting the Ob old man: the rite of worship of As tyi iki
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N. R. Oinotkinova
Concepts JARGY ‘the court’, ‘thanks, thanks’ and BYIAN ‘blessing’, ‘thanks’ in the shaman text of the Altaians
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Study of literature

L. S. Soboleva, M. A. Golendukhina
Polyphony of self-identity in the Life of Archpriest Avvakum
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V. I. Tyupa
Crisis of sociocultural identity in the classical Russian literature
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T. I. Pecherskaya
Playing Gogol: pastiche as a narrative code (Dostoevsky’s novel “The Double”)
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L. N. Sinyakova
Snowstorm text in A. P. Chekhov’s prose: poetics and functions
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E. E. Vakhnenko
Editorial policy of the newspaper “Birzhevye Vedomosti” in the context of historical shift (July 1914 – October 1917)
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E. N. Proskurina
Eastern emigration literature in the magazine “Russkiye zapiski (Annales Russes)”: to the problem of a failed dialogue
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А. V. Filatov
Axiology in literary criticism: main directions of value analysis
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N. V. Kovtun
The image of Athos in the late works of V. Rasputin: tradition and innovation
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V. N. Karpukhina
Contemporary children’s literature in the politically correct discourse: axiological linguistic aspect
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E. N. Rogova, L. S. Yanitskiy
Specifics of the author’s intention in V. Sorokin’s “Metel”
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N. A. Nepomnyaschikh
Literature and the issues of ethnocultural identification: the shamanism theme and plots about shamans in Siberian writers’ works
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E. V. Budaev, A. P. Chudinov
Rhetorical analysis of political communication in contemporary foreign linguistics (2010–2018)
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I. Ya. Selyutina
Articulatory characteristics of noisy frontlingual consonants of the Teleut language (according to MRI data)
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N. S. Urtegeshev

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A. E. Anikin
From the history of Siberian and other Russian words related to water transport
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B. D. Tsyrenov, O. Shinabayar
The experience of compiling the Russian-Buryat dictionary of technical terms: a general analysis
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E. V. Generalova
Fixed word combinations dealing with the mental opposition “straight – curved” in the history of the Russian language
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A. R. Tazranova
On the status of certain complicated analytical forms of past tense (the Altai language data)
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N. B. Koshkareva
Actional sentences in the Khanty and Nenets languages: semantics and metaphorization ways
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A. A. Ozonova
Constructions denoting alternatives and preferences in the Altai language
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Scientific life

O. A. Farafonova
All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “The Second Chumakov Readings. The Text – the Writer – the Reader” (Novosibirsk, April 12–13, 2019)
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