Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: From the history of Siberian and other Russian words related to water transport Authors: A. E. Anikin Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper concludes the series of publications on the origin and history of Russian, as well as Russian-Siberian, words denoting ship (sea and river) and boats. The interest in this group of words is that they represent the objects of material culture that played a very significant role in the Russian colonization of vast areas of the North and Siberia and outstanding geographical discoveries. The whole set of arguments was based on both linguistic data and data relating to the relevant realities (“Wörter und Sachen”). This publication considers the names of not only ships and boats but also of their parts and the objects related to the ship (station) localization, the names of the winds (especially important for sailboats). The origin and main episodes of the historical geography of some Russian dialectal words are clarified: дора (dora) ‘type of flat-bottomed boat’, бар (bar) ‘place in the sea where the steamer stops’, бинéт (binét) ‘attachment of the sail’, беть (bet’) ‘the log that is laid across the boat’, би́тис, би́тезь (bítis, bítez’) ‘a kind of wind on Baikal,’ матка (matka) ‘the compass of an ancient type,’ ды́ня (dýnya) ‘the edge in the bottom of the boat’ etc. Brief generalizing considerations are presented regarding a series of three papers as a whole. In particular, an attempt is made to clarify the legacy of which colonization the words considered in these articles are. The names коч (koch), бат (bat), вéтка (vétka), сойма (soyma), бýса (búsa), битис (bitis), беть (bet’), дыня (dynya), матка (matka) are regarded as a legacy of North Russian colonization, at the same time, most of these words (бат (bat), сойма (soyma), бýса (búsa), битис (bitis), беть (bet’), дыня (dynya), матка (matka)) саn be the legacy of Novgorod colonization. The names коч (koch) and сойма (soyma) denote ships that are characteristic primarily for Arctic navigation, including the sea route to Siberia (Mangazeya sea passage), i.e., they correspond to the Northern nautical route to Siberia. Keywords: Russian vocabulary, names of boats, ships, and their parts, etymology, word geography Bibliography: Anikin A. E. Russkiy etimologicheskiy slovar’ [Russian etymological Dictionary]. Moscow, Rukopisnye pamyatniki Drevney Rusi, 2007, iss. 1. Anikin A. E. O proiskhozhdenii nekotorykh russkikh slov iz sfery material’noy kul’tury. I. 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