Table of Content of Issue 1, 2018
Study of literature V. V. Desyatov
Hermitage of arts: life-creating of Georgy Grebenstchikoff
In detail S. A. Manskov, T. A. Semilet, M. A. Deminova, E. V. Lukashevich
Front-line feature stories by George Grebenstchikoff
in the newspaper «Zhizn Altaya» in 1916
In detail T. V. Chernyshova
Comparison as a meaning-modelling structure in the G. D. Grebenshchikovʼs stories:
experience of functional-stylistic interpretation
In detail Study of folklore P. S. Shakhov
Interaction between oral folk tradition and written culture in Siberian Mordvin folklore
In detail N. A. Tuchkova
Index of plots with the hero Itya: the experience of classification
In detail Study of literature V. B. Semyonov
The laisse in Medieval Romance and Welsh literary opuses
In detail D. V. Dolgushin
The «pedagogical poem» of V. Zhukovsky
(on unpublished materials)
In detail A. E. Kozlov
The author and the hero in the aesthetic reality
of the novel «Model» by N. D. Akhsharumov
In detail N. E. Nikonova
Polish literature in Siberian periodicals of the 1880–1910s
In detail I. A. Poplavskaya, I. V. Novitskaya
Shakespeare’s heritage in the Stroganovs’ book collection
in Tomsk University Research Library
In detail E. Ju. Kulikova, E. N. Penskaya
Literary and aesthetic paradoxes of Viktor Burenin
In detail E. N. Proskurina
Allusions of A. Platonov in the later prose of V. Rasputin
In detail Linguistics N. S. Urtegeshev, N. B. Koshkаreva
An inventory of intermittent vowel phonemes
in the Surgut dialect of the Khanty language
In detail M. S. Khmelevskii
From qualitative to intensification meaning
(formation of intensification adverbs in Slavic languages)
In detail E. L. Rudnitskaya
Word order (verb and direct object) in oral stories in Evenki
In detail A. A. Ozonova, A. R. Tazranova, N. N. Fedina
Altai language and Altai dialects in materials collected by V. V. Radlov
In detail T. G. Rabenko
The flexible functioning of the speech genre
(based on the speech genre of the «personal diary»)
In detail A. V. Kamitova
N. I. Ilminskiy’s contribution to translating the orthodox literature
into the native languages of the peoples of the Volga region and the Urals
In detail Review L. A. Khodanen
The concepts of East and West in the identification processes of Russian literature
Alekseev P. V. The conceptual sphere of the Orient discourse
in the Russian literature of the first half of 19th century: A. Pushkin, F. Dostoyevsky.
Monograph. Tomsk,
In detail |