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Name: The «pedagogical poem» of V. Zhukovsky (on unpublished materials)

Authors: D. V. Dolgushin

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2018Pages 89-106
UDK: 82-1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/62/7

Abstract: The paper attempts to reconstruct and analyse the Zhukovsky’s pedagogical project of the late 1840s – early 1850s, which the poet himself called his «pedagogical poem». This project was based on Zhukovsky’s educational materials of the1820s – 1830s. The aim of the project was the home education of Zhukovsky’s children and the children of the Heir to the throne, but in prospect, it was to be addressed to a wider audience. The idea of the project originated in 1845, and the work came in 1851–1852. The methodological basis of the project was the system of Pestalozzi, actualised in the 1840s by Diesterweg. The fundamental principles were the principles of accessibility and clarity. Zhukovsky’s «Pedagogical poem» consisted of three sections: arithmetic, Russian language (Pictorial alphabet) and the Picturesque Sacred history. The author examines the Zhukovsky’s pedagogical achievements in each of these sections on the basis of archival materials, with many of them being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. To teach arithmetic Zhukovsky created special tables with which to develop the ability to move from direct perceptions to abstract concepts. The most elaborate and beautifully decorated was his «Picturesque alphabet». It consists of 15 tables of the elementary course of the Russian language, in the extreme columns of which the numerical values of the letters of the Russian, German and French alphabets are given. The letters are grouped so that similar sounds of these languages correspond to the same numbers. The main part of the table consisting of 40 cells is placed in the middle of the cardboard. In each of them, Zhukovsky made a pencil drawing that is encrypted with the numbers in Russian, German, French and Latin. Although this system does not accurately present the spelling, it is certainly useful for learning the words and identifying the alphabet. The main goal was to get acquainted with the Russian alphabet, with German and French acting as a support. The images deserve special attention: some are illustrative, but the others are allegorical and made under the obvious influence of Caspar David Friedrich’s painting. The picturesque sacred history includes notes and chronological tables, made with the forty special marks, invented by Zhukovsky in the 1820s – 1830s; maps of historical geography; Atlas of the ancient world, prints, selected by Zhukovsky from the illustrated edition of the Bible.

Keywords: V. A. Zhukovsky, romanticism, biblical studies, sacred history, education in Russia, Diesterweg, Pestalozzi


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