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Name: The work on the “Russian Etymological Dictionary”: addenda et corrigenda

Authors: Alexander E. Anikin

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2024Pages 164-177
UDK: 811.161.1: 81’374.4DOI: 10.17223/18137083/87/14


This paper provides some considerations on the work on the “Russian Etymological Dictionary” (RED), which carries forward the tradition set by the “Etymological Dictionary of Russian” compiled by M. Vasmer and the subsequent additions provided by O. N. Trubachev. These are additions and revisions to the previously published second, seventh, ninth, and fourteenth editions of the RED. The publication of these addenda has been temporarily halted as it diverts attention from the work on the upcoming issues of the RED. Moreover, given the extensive volume of scientific literature that serves as source material for RED and its addenda, the task of discerning the most significant information has become increasingly complex. For example, two recent publications by B. O. Oguibénine (2016, 2023) have introduced a plethora of fresh entries and modifications to M. Vasmer’s dictionary, with these revisions primarily based on foreign literature partially beyond the reach of Russian specialists. The point is to demonstrate the most interesting innovations in Slavic etymology within an Indo-European context. The present paper provides some examples of addenda and corrigenda for the RED entries on the lexemes vzdymát’, vórvan’ (fish oil), vóbshina (bran, waste from peeling cereals), vzvod (wave), drái (damp strips of land), vetryúkh (part of the stomach of ruminants), gil’ (nonsense), and others. The paper concludes by introducing three preliminary lexical entries from the forthcoming 19th issue of RED, which is currently in the works. These are three homonymous lexemes of ikrá that can be traced back to a single Proto-Slavic origin.

Keywords: “Russian Etymological Dictionary” and additions to it, etymological dictionary by M. Vas- mer, additions to Vasmer’s dictionary by O. N. Trubachev


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