Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
ArticleName: Authors: In the section Песенный фольклор
Abstract: Recruitment songs, sung at the departure of conscripts for military service or war, are classified within the realm of family and everyday music. The compilation of Chuvash recruitment songs commenced in the 19th century, initiated by Chuvash educators. Data collection focused on the Volga region, the ancestral territory. Also, recordings were made in Siberia, where the Chuvash migrant ethnic group preserved its traditions into the 1980s. Some traditions, such as seeing off recruits to the army, are still in use today. However, the topic of defining the boundaries of the homeland in recruitment songs has not been specifically studied. In a recent recording of a recruitment song in the village of Dzhogino, Taishetsky District, Irkutsk Region, the concept of homeland is defined by the word “argamak,” which refers to a horse or the territory ridden by a horse. In comparison, recruitment songs recorded in the Volga region use boundaries of land, arable land, and a field to represent the homeland. In Siberian examples, the boundaries of the homeland are shown through concepts such as a fence, enclosed areas for grazing cattle, or spaces designated by the word “argamak.” It is believed that these different designations of territorial boundaries depend on the geographical location and the abundance or shortage of land. Siberian examples tend to identify the homeland with larger spaces compared to the Volga region. The Chuvash settlers in Siberia expanded their understanding of the homeland, possibly influenced by the vast Siberian expanses. Keywords: Chuvash recruitment songs of Siberia and the Volga region, the theme of the homeland in Chuvash recruitment songs, folklore of the Chuvash of Siberia. Bibliography: Anat enchipe turi chăvashsen nikrut yurrisem. Tekst. 2 tom [Recruit songs of middle and upper Chuvash people. Text. Vol. 2]. T. I. 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