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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Articulatory patterns of the mediolingual consonants of Telengit language (according to MRI) Authors: I. Ya. Selyutina, A. A. Dobrinina In the section Фонетика
Abstract: The article presents the results of the analysis of the pronunciation settings of Telengit mediolingual consonants on the instrumental data of magnetic resonance tomography. The purpose of the study – a description of the articulatory settings of consonantal reporting cluster and detection of the specificity of Telengits articulatory-acoustic base (AAB) on the background of AAB of the speakers of closely related idioms – territorial sub-dialects of the dialect of Altai-Kizhi. Presented in the article Telengits settings have their own specificity, approaching on some parameters with corre-spondences, functioning in the sub-dialects of the dialect of Altai-Kizhi. However, the complete coincidence of substantia characteristics in implementations of mediolingual phonemes in the languages are not identified. For a set of attributes Telengits patterns detect the proximity with the Ust’-Kan and Shebalin sub-dialects, mostly differing from the Ongudai realizations. If in Ongudai sub-dialect settings of mediolingual consonants are classic for this type, then for the articulatory-acoustic bases of Telengits, Ust’-Kans and Shebalins inherent offset of noise-forming obstacles regarding typical mediolingual standard: localization of occlusion or slit in Telengit and Ust-Kan retracted, in in Shebalin the focus of the formation of the barrier extends forward. For Ust’-Kans and Telengits generally more pushed back position of the whole language corpus compared to Ongudais and Shebalins, thereby reducing the volume of the resonant cavity, causing, in turn, lower acoustic effect. The resonator in Ongudai and Shebalin articulations has more volume because of the larger width of the pharyngeal division of oral cavity, than in Ust’-Kan and Telengit. In addition, Telengits articulations are characterized by a greater height of the resonator cavity due to lower position of the larynx. If Ongudai settings are characterized as moderate tensioned, not complicated by additional articulations, then the ar-ticulatory specifics of the Ust’-Kan, Telengit and Shebalin sub-dialects lies in the higher degree of tension of the speech apparatus (especially in Ust’-Kan) and in the presence in the settings of the additional articulations. Pharyngealization identified in Telengit, Ust-Kan and Shebalin settings has a different degree of severity, different localization and differ-ent nature. Thus, comparison of the patterns obtained according to Telengits language with materials on the territorial sub-dialects of the Altai-kizhi dialect testifies the generality of the articulatory-acoustic bases of native speakers, as well as their significant differences. Keywords: Turkic Languages of Siberia, the Altai dialects, consonantism, articulatory-acoustic base, experimental phonetics, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Bibliography: Алмадакова Н. Д. 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