Table of Content of Issue 4, 2008
Study of folklore Rufina P. Matveeva
The folklore version of Christian plots in the oral prose of the Old Believers of Transbaikalia (semey)
In detail Yuliya A. Emer
The spatial component of the folklore concept-sphere
In detail Study of literature Tatyana B. Frick
Pushkin's magazine «Contemporary» as a single text
In detail Irina A. Poplavskaya
The interaction of poetic and prose in M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel «Hero of our time»
In detail Natalya L. Zelyanskaya
Cultural and semiotic tendencies of Russian prose of the 1850s
In detail Nina E. Razumova
Fedor Fedorovich Tyutchev, «ordinary talent» (to the definition of the concept of «fiction»)
In detail Ilya V. Kuznetsov
Lev Tolstoy: the turn «from artistry»
In detail Sergey A. Tashlykov
The Russian writer Aleksandr Kuprin’s walking
In detail A.V. Shchitov
Audiovisual expressiveness in N. Erdman's play «Suicide»
In detail Elena N. Proskurina
G. Gazdanov's novel «Flight»: from paraphrase to improvisation
In detail Dmitriy V. Marin
Russian-Japanese war in V.М. Shukshin’s works
In detail Tsyndema Kh. Tsyrenova
Mythological consciousness as a stylistic aspect of modern Buryatian prose
In detail Anna S. Klimutina
A. Korolev’s novel «Aaron» in the aspect of intertextual relations with the novels of Petronius and Apuleius
In detail Linguistics Natalia M. Sabelfeld
Language of the Pogodinsky Chronicler: on the relationship of texts of Siberian chronicles
In detail Tatyana B. Bankova
Culinary code of Siberian family rituals: objectification in language
In detail Inna V. Tubalova
The text of the folk-speech culture as a polyphonic structure
In detail Yuriy A. Tambovtsev
Sound pattern of the Russian language from the point of view of frequency of occurrence of phonemic groups
In detail Alina E. Hadanovich
The category of gender of the Russian nouns functioning in Kamchatka dialects
In detail Yulia B. Dyundik
Semantic features of the functioning adverbs of intentionality
In detail Natalya V. Lesonen
The semantics of forcing in various speech genres
In detail Natalia V. Gagarina
On the question of the principles of analysis of grammatical categories of verb forms in children's speech
In detail Galiya G. Khisamova
The artistic dialogue from the standpoint of text linguistics (on the material of the artistic prose by V. M. Shukshin)
In detail Anna O. Trofimova
Means of expression of evidentiality in the Udege language (in comparison with the Samoyedic languages)
In detail Anna L. Elsakova.
On the Ancient Germanic concepts of ‘wealth’, ‘money’ in the light of Indo-European representations
In detail Alexander P. Maryukhin
"Hedging (hecke)" - a new semantic category?
In detail Elena A. Chuykina
Assimilation of a new word: self-reflection of the speaking subject
In detail Irina A. Babaskina
The postmodernist program of philosophizing and its grammatical presentation
In detail Anna V. Kurianovich
The epistolary discourse as a means of modern interpersonal and social communication
In detail Review Olexander Chyrkov
Invitation to reflect about the epic drama: V. E. Golovchiner. Epic drama in Russian literature of the 20th century. 2-nd ed., Tomsk: Publishing House of the Tomsk State Ped. Univ., 2007.
In detail Scientific life Kovaleva T.I., Nepomnjaschih N.A.
In detail Muratova N.A., Ostanina S.N., Rusanova O.N.
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