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Name: A book review: Dictionary of Russian Poetry Language of the Twentieth Century. Vol-ume IX. Book 2: Uzh – Tsesar. Compiled by L. L. Shestakova (Ed. in Ch.), A. S. Kuleva (Ed.), A. V. Gik. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2022, 536 p. (Studia philologica)

Authors: Natalia V. Patroeva

Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 2, 2024Pages 254-257
UDK: 81DOI: 10.17223/18137083/87/20


Keywords: author’s lexicography, poetic dictionary, Russian lyrics, Silver Age, history of poetic language


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Ivanova N. N., Ivanova O. E. Slovar’ yazyka poezii (obraznyy arsenal russkoy liriki kontsa 18 – nachala 20 v.) [Dictionary of the language of poetry (a figurative arsenal of Russian lyrics of the late 18th – early 20th centuries)]. Moscow, AST, Astrel’, Russkie slovari, Tranzitkniga, 2004, 666 p.

Shestakova L. L. Russkaya avtorskaya leksikografiya: teoriya, istoriya, sovremennost’ [Russian author’s lexicography: theory, history, modernity]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2011, 464 p.

Slovar’ yazyka russkoy poezii 20 veka [Dictionary of the language of Russian poetry of the 20th century]. V. P. Grigor’ev et al. (Comps.). Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2001, vol. 1: A –V, 895 p.

Slovar’ yazyka russkoy poezii 20 veka [Dictionary of the language of Russian poetry of the 20th century]. L. L. Shestakova (Ed. in Ch.), A. S. Kuleva (Ed.), A. V. Gik (Comp.). Moscow, 2022, vol. 9, bk 2: Uzh – Tsezar’, 536 p.

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