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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Yan Tszaikhuei Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper explores the definition and typology of periphrastic expressions in both Russian and Romance languages, taking into consideration a range of linguistic criteria. Given its multidimensional nature, periphrasis cannot be specified in terms of subject, resulting in ambiguity in its designation. Most Russian linguists consider periphrasis as a descriptive expression that may be ambiguous but serves to convey the meaning of another expression or word. The verbal periphrasis holds a significant position in language, serving an indispensable function in conveying the meaning of actions. In the Russian language, verbal periphrasis is a binomial compound construction, with its basic model typically involving an auxiliary verb and a verbal or nominal form denoting an action. Within this model, four structures can be identified, including (1) verb + verbal noun, (2) verb + substantive phrase, (3) verb + primitive noun, and (4) verb + infinitive. The auxiliary verb within the verbal periphrasis assumes a functional role while retaining its lexical meaning to some extent. Semantically, ten main types of auxiliary verbs can be identified in verb periphrasis in Russian. These express (1) implementation, (2) phasing and other aspectual values, (3) causativity, (4) conversivity, (5) explication, (6) manifestation, (7) operation, (8) participation, (9) modality, and (10) intensity. The auxiliary verb used in the verbal periphrasis undergoes a process of desemanticization while occasionally preserving a partial semantic significance or acquiring a novel meaning. Keywords: verbal periphrasis, auxiliary verb, syntactic semantics, causative, conversive, action semantics Bibliography: Apresyan Yu. D. Sinonimicheskie sredstva yazyka i pravila perifrazirovaniya [Synonymous means of language and rules of periphrasing]. Russkii yazyk v natsional’noi shkole. 1972, no. 3, pp. 19–27. Bel’chikov Yu. A. Perifraza [Paraphrase]. 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