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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Vera S. Kuznetsova Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of folklore
Abstract: The paper presents new archival texts containing folk stories about the creation of the world. The stories were recorded by A. A. Makarenko on the Angara River in the Kezhemsky volost of the Yenisei district in 1904. These records were not included in the collection “Siberian Folk Calendar in Ethnographic Relation: Eastern Siberia. Yenisei province” published in 1913, remaining outside the attention of the scientific community. The folk stories describe how God created the land from the earth raised from the bottom of the sea by Satan (cf.: S. Thompson. Motif-index of folk-literature: A811. Earth brought up from the bottom of primeval water; A812.1. Devil as Earth Diver). These are the complete versions of cosmogonic narratives, almost as in their authentic fixation. The Angara versions of cosmogonic history were compared with the texts of similar narratives from the European territory of Russia, revealing the connection with the folklore traditions of the Russian North. This connection is due to the peculiarities of the settlement of the Angara region: the lower reaches of the Angara River and its tributaries. According to the research, the original settlers of the Angara region were natives of the Russian North, with the old-time core of the Russian population of these territories being preserved until the revolution. The publication of these texts enhances the comprehension of Russian narrative folklore in Siberia, including the geographical distribution of some folklore motifs. Keywords: Russian folklore, legends about the creation of the world, Siberian Russian texts Bibliography: Azadovskiy M. A. A. Makarenko. K sorokaletiyu nauchno-obshchestvennoy deyatel’nosti. 1887–1927 [A. A. Makarenko. To the fortieth anniversary of scientific and social activity. 1887–1927]. In: Sibirskaya zhivaya starina [Siberian living antiquity]. Irkutsk, 1928, iss. 7, pp. 101–114. Aref’ev V. S. Materialy po etnografii Eniseyskogo uezda Eniseyskoy gubernii [Materials on the ethnography of the Yenisei district of the Yenisei province]. Izvestiya Vostochnosibirskogo otdela Russkogo Geograficheskogo obshchestva. 1901, vol. 32, no. 1/2; 1902, pp. 65–140. Ivanova T. G. Aleksey Alekseevich Makarenko – revolyutsioner, etnograf, fol’klorist [Alexey Alekseevich Makarenko – revolutionary, ethnographer, folklorist]. In: Neizvestnye stranitsy russkoy fol’kloristiki [Unknown pages of Russian folkloristics]. A. L. Toporkov (Ed. in Ch.). Moscow, Indrik, 2015, рp. 247–275. Koshelev Ya. R. Russkaya fol’kloristika Sibiri (19 – nachala 202 vv. [Russian folkloristics of Siberia (19th – early 20th centuries]. Tomsk, TSU Publ., 1962, 349 p. Kuznetsova V. S. Dualisticheskie legendy o sotvorenii mira v vostochnoslavyanskoy fol’klornoy traditsii [Dualistic legends about the creation of the world in the East Slavic folklore tradition]. Novosibirsk, SB RAS Publ., 1998, 250 p. Kuznetsova V. S. O motive plavaniya na kamne v fol’klornoy traditsii i v rukopisnoy knizhnosti [On the motif of floating on a stone in folklore and in handwritten books]. Scholarly almanac “Traditsionnaya kul’tura” (Traditional Culture). 2015, no. 3 (59), pp. 77–89. Makarenko A. A. Sibirskiy narodnyy kalendar’ v etnograficheskom otnoshenii. Vostochnaya Sibir’. Eniseyskaya guberniya [Siberian folk calendar in ethnographic terms. Eastern Siberia. Yenisei province]. St. Petersburg, Gos. tip., 1913, VII+293 p. (Zap. Imp. Rus. geogr. ob-va po otdeleniyu etnografii [Proceedings of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Department of Ethnography], vol. 36) Saburova L. M. Russkoe naselenie Priangar’yaya [Russian population of the Angara region]. In: Byt i iskusstvo russkogo naseleniya Vostochnoy Sibiri. [Life and art of the Russian population of Eastern Siberia]. Pt. 1: Angara region. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1971, pt. 1: Priangar’e [Angara region], pp. 28–77. Savel’ev A. A. Bozhestvennye nagovory v Priangarskom krae Eniseyskogo uezda [Divine charms in the Angara region of the Yenisei district]. Tomsk, Tomskaya gubernskaya tipografiya, 1915, pp. 1–53. (Otd. ottisk iz nomerov “Sibirskogo Vracha” za 1915 g. [Separate reprint from Nos. of “Sibirskiy Vrach” for 1915]) Thompson, S. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. A classification of narrative elements in folktales, ballads, myths, fables, mediaeval romances, exempla, fabliaux, jest-books and local legends. Rev. and enl. ed. Copenhagen, 1955–1958, vols. 1–6. Zavoyko K. V Kostromskikh lesakh po Vetluge-reke (Etnograficheskie materialy, zapisannye v Kostromskoy gubernii v 1914–1916 gg.) [In the Kostroma forests along the Vetluga River. (Ethnographic materials recorded in the Kostroma province in 1914–1916)]. In: Trudy Kostromskogo nauchnogo obshchestva po izucheniyu mestnogo kraya [Proceedings of the Kostroma Scientific Society for the Study of the Local Region]. Kostroma, Tip. Ritter Publ., 1917, vol. 8: Etnograficheskiy sbornik [Ethnographic collection], pp. 3–40. |
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