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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Berendeeva M. S., Luo Wei Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This study focuses on the ichthyological vocabulary of the Russian and Chinese languages, based on a vivid image, a metaphor. The aims were to determine the volume of the nominative fields of the concepts FISH and 鱼, to identify metaphorical lexemes-representatives, and to carry out a comparative study of metaphorical models representing the ideas about fish in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. Russian and Chinese explanatory and phraseological dic-tionaries served as the material. In both languages, metaphors with the target area “fish” have been found to be constructed in the same way and to be based on the likeness of a fish to a person, an animal, or an instrument in terms of external similarity. However, each linguoculture has culturally specific metaphorical models with source area “fish” and unique symbolic features of the concepts FISH and 鱼. For example, the Russian linguistic picture of the world involves a productive metaphorical model revealing the likeness of a person to a fish, originating from the negatively assessed external similarity. The Chinese linguistic picture of the world proved to have a model showing the likeness of a country or army to a fish organism according to an internal structure. In addition, many symbolic features reflected in dictionaries have been found in the structure of the Chinese concept 鱼, with those features drawing on both historical and contemporary ideas. Keywords: concept, metaphor, metaphorical model, zoonymous component, ichthyonym Bibliography: Budaev E. V., Chudinov A. P. Metafora v politicheskom interdiskurse: Monografiya [Metaphor in political interdiscourse: Monograph]. Ekaterinburg, USPU Publ. house, 2006, 215 p. Chudinov A. P. Rossiya v metaforicheskom zerkale: Kognitivnoe issledovanie politicheskoy metafory (1991–2000) [Russia in a Metaphorical Mirror: A Cognitive Study of Political Metaphor (1991–2000)]. Ekaterinburg, USPU Publ. house, 2001, 238 p. Dekhnich O. V. Metaforicheskoe obosnovanie ikhtionimov (na materiale russkogo i angliyskogo yazykov) [Metaphorical substantiation of ichthyonyms (based on the material of Russian and English)]. Mova. 2010, no. 15, pp. 116–119. Lakoff George. Johnson M. Metafory, kotorymi my zhivem: Per. s angl. [Metaphors we live by: Transl. from English]. A. M. Baranova (Prep., pref.). Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 256 p. Pimenova M. V., Kondrat’eva O. N. Kontseptual’nye issledovaniya. Vvedenie: Ucheb. posobie [Conceptual research. Introduction: Textbook]. Moscow, Flinta, Nauka, 2011, 176 p. Skitina N. A. Lingvokognitivnyy analiz kontsepta “ryba” vo frazeologicheskom fonde russkogo i angliĭskogo yazykov [Linguo-cognitive analysis of the concept “fish” in the phraseological fund of the Russian and English]. Bulletin of Moscow Region State University. Linguistics. 2016, no. 4, pp. 158–165. Sternin I. A., Rozenfel’d M. Ya. Slovo i obraz: Monografiya [Word and image: Monograph]. I. A. Sternin (Ed.). Voronezh, Istoki, 2008, 243 p. Usacheva V. V. Slavyanskaya ikhtiologicheskaya terminologiya. Printsipy i sposoby nominatsii. Obratnyy slovar’ [Slavic ichthyological terminology. Principles and methods of nomination. Reverse dictionary]. Moscow, 2003, 352 p. |
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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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