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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Rudnitskaya E. L. Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper considers cases of derivation in Evenki from verbs to nouns and from nouns to adjectives when the derivative preserves syntactic properties of the base stem (particularly the information on syntactic dependents). The examples of such derivatives are deverbal nouns and denominal adjectives with certain derivation affixes. Nouns preserve the verbal property of subcategorization (they govern a direct accusative object), and adjectives preserve the nominal property of attaching an attributive word: a noun (an appositive), an adjective, a participle, a numeral. The syntactic analysis of such phrases differs from their derivation analysis. In terms of syntax, the base stem and its direct object (or attribute) form one constituent: [[NP/AP + N/VBASE] + NMLZ], reflecting subcategorial and combinatory features of the base stem. The derivation affix in the syntactic representation is attached to the whole constituent, suggesting the construction with a phrasal affix. Such analysis relies on the notion of group flection or phrasal affixation. The phrasal affixation in inflection has been investigated in detail in typologically diverse languages. However, much fewer works are devoted to phrasal affixation in word formation. Evenki language specialists either did not report this phenomenon or mentioned it without giving an explanatory account. The sources of our examples are different: oral stories, newspaper articles, archives, and examples from grammars and other studies in Evenki. These data illustrate the transition of constructions with a deverbal noun and an accusative object from the class of productive (mid-20th century) to the class of idiomatic ones (21st century). Keywords: word formation, base stem, derivative, syntactic structure, phrasal affixation, constituent Bibliography: Boldyrev B. V. Morfologiya evenkiyskogo yazyka [Morphology of the Evenki language]. V. A. Robbek (Ed.). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2007, 503 p. Baker M., Vinokurova N. On agent nominalizations and why they are not like event nominalizations. Language. 2009, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 517–556. Booij G. Compounds and multi-words expressions in Dutch. In: Schlücker B. (Ed.). Complex lexical units: compounds and multi-word expressions. Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019, pp. 5–126. Bulatova N., Grenoble L. А. Evenki. LWM 141. Lincom Europa, 1999. Jackendoff R. The Architecture of the Language Faculty. Cambridge (Mass.), The MIT Press, 1997, 278 p. Lapointe S. G. Comments on Cho and Sells. “A lexical account of inflectional suffixes in Korean.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics. 1996, vol. 5, pp. 73–100. Lapointe S. G. EDGE features in GSPG. In: Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society Meeting 26. M. Ziolkowski, N. K. Deaton (Eds.). Chicago, Chicago Linguistic Society, 1990, vol. 1, pp. 221–236. Nedjalkov I. Evenki. L.; N. Y.: Routledge, 1997, 366 p. Newell H. Bracketing paradoxes and particle verbs: a late adjunction analysis. Proceedings of ConSOLE XIII. 2005, pp. 249–272. URL: http://www.hum2.leidenuniv.nl/ pdf/lucl/sole/console13/console13-newell.pdf (accessed: 22.04.2015). Nikolaeva I. Between nouns and adjectives: a constructional view. Lingua. 2008, vol. 118, pp. 969–996. Kolesnikova V. D. Sintaksis evenkiyskogo yazyka [Syntax of the Evenki language]. Мoscow, 1966, 246 p. Konstantinova O. A. Evenkiyskiy yazyk. Fonetika. Morfologiya [Evenki language. Phonetics. Morphology]. Мoscow, Nauka, 1964, 271 p. Plungyan V. A. Obshchaya morfologiya. Vvedenie v problematiku [General Morphology. Introduction to problematics]. Мoscow, URSS, 2000, 384 p. Rudnitskaya E. L. Chastichnaya leksikalizatsiya sintaksicheskoy modeli “pryamoy ob”ekt + otglagol’noe imya (leksicheskaya nominalizatsiya)” v evenkiyskom yazyke kak ne imeyushchem slovoslozheniya [Partial lexicalization of the syntactic model “direct object + verbal name (lexical nominalization)” in the Evenki language as having no word formation]. Papers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. 2020, no. 29, pp. 103–117. Rudnitskaya E. L. Osobennosti teksta gazet v evenkiyskom yazyke: atributivnoe upotreblenie otglagol’nykh imen kak ad”ektivizatsiya imeni? [The peculiarities of newspaper text in the Evenki language: the attributive use of verbal names as an adjectivization of the name?]. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2019, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 100–118. Vasilevich G. M. Ocherki grammatiki evenkiyskogo (tungusskogo) yazyka [Essays on Evenki grammar]. Leningrad, 1940, 195 p. Vasilevich G. M. Ocherki dialektov evenkiyskogo (tungusskogo) yazyka [Essays on the Dialects of Evenki]. Leningrad, Gosuchpedgiz, 1948, 356 p. Yoon J. H.-S. Two types of denominal predicates in Korean and theories of mor-phology-syntax interface. In: Selected Papers from the Second European Conference on Korean Linguistics. J. Kiaer, J. Yeon (Eds.). Munich, Lincom Europa, 2010. URL: http://faculty.las.illinois.edu/jyoon/Papers/Eckl2008_proceedinfs_footnote.pdf |
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