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Name: Perspective construal techniques in indirect non-referential naming

Authors: M. I. Kiose

Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2020Pages 188-204
UDK: 81-114.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/73/13

Abstract: The research explores the perspective construal techniques applied in predicate indirect noun groups in Russian. In this case, the discourse perspective is construed with a highly salient object of perspective in the construed frame of reference. To achieve this effect, the speaker / narrator chooses a particular type of predicate indirect noun groups, such as predicate constructions with the verbs of fictive motion, appearance, and being (existence) or comparative constructions. Each of these construction types demonstrates its own linguistic and cognitive features, which are used to apply various perspectivization techniques to ensure that its interpretation will proceed successfully. To detect these techniques, a complex procedure is applied. Hand-selected fragments analysis followed by corpus statistic and correlation analysis help define the parameters and values in predicate indirect noun group constructions. These parameters are referential (bodily modus type, referent type, referent focus type), lexical (first / repeated lexeme use, type of attribute in pre-position, intensifier type in pre-position), syntactic (sentence initial / final position, position before a clause, co-reference distance in words and propositions) and textual ones (textual role, new microevent introduction). Variance analysis has revealed a group of parameters typical for the studied construction types of predicate indirect noun groups. Parametric results allow describe the typical techniques of object mental scanning, object construal, frames of reference (coordinate system) construal. These include the techniques of mental path shortening / prolongation, embodiment construal alleviation / constraining, animated / non-animated object construal, stability / instability of frames of reference, etc.

Keywords: perspective, indirect noun group, predication, perspectivization techniques


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