Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: German dialects of the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions (based on the open online archive of German dialects in Siberia) Authors: E. A. Liebert Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper interprets the data from the open online archive of German dialects (https:// www.tomdeutsche.ru/dialects/). This work was started ten years ago in Tomsk by Prof. Z. M. Bogoslovskaya and her students. The archive provides the records of the native dialects and folklore of Russian Germans whose speech originates from different mother tongues and has different degrees of preservation. Archival materials were collected on the territory of Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions during linguistic expeditions of recent years. Many dialects of the upper German and middle German types appear to be mixed, containing (primarily in phonological terms) the features of different dialect systems, mixed as early as last century. These are secondary language formations that are exclusively spoken by older people. It is not the case in the German-Mennonite dialect (Plautdietsch), which is based on the Low German language substrate. This dialect has a higher degree of preservation and is spoken not only by older people but also by young people and children. The genre component of the collected samples of folklore and religious practices does not show much diversity. The archive contains only a few samples of songs, ditties, and jokes that old speakers can still per-form in their native dialect. A special role is played by literary German – it is the language of liturgical practices, of prayers and spiritual singing. The paper presents a number of dialect material transcriptions. Keywords: German dialects of Siberian, Middle German dialects, Low German dialect (the language of Mennonites), field researches, folklore of German settlements Bibliography: Alexandrov O., Luzik O. Spracheinstellungen der Deutschen in Sibirien: die Resultate der Feldforschung in dem Gebiet Nowosibirsk. In: Das Wort. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Russland. 2017–2018, pp. 87–100. Avdeev I. Ya. Foneticheskaya sistema nizhnenemetskogo govora Altayskogo kraya v ee istoricheskom razvitii [The phonetic system of Low German dialect in its historical development]. In: Germanskie yazyki: Sb. st. [Germanic languages: Coll. of art.]. Novosibirsk, Zap.-Sib. kn. izd., 1967, pp. 84–118. Avdeev I. Ya. Foneticheskiy stroy nizhnenemetskogo dialekta Altayskogo kraya v ego istoricheskom razvitii [The phonetic system of the Low German dialect of the Altai Territory in its historical development]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Novosibirsk, 1965, 21 p. Born J., Dickgiesser S. Deutschsprachige Minderheiten. Institut für deutsche Sprache. Mannheim, 1989. Domashnev A. I., Naydich L. E. Nemtsy [Germans]. In: Yazyki Rossiyskoy Federatsii i sosednikh gosudarstv: Entsiklopediya [Languages of the Russian Federation and neighboring states: Enciklopediya]. Moscow, Nauka, 2001, pp. 342–349. Edig G. G. Pridatochnye predlozheniya nizhnenemeckogo govora Altajskogo kraya [Relative clauses of the Low German dialect of the Altai region]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Tomsk, 1962. Geynts V. K. Foneticheskiy stroy verkhnegessenskogo govora v Omskoy oblasti [Phonetic system of the Upper Hessian dialect in the Omsk region]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Kalinin, 1971, 26 p. Jedig H. Die deutschen Mundarten in Sowjetunion. In: Sprachinselforschung: eine Gedenkschrift für Hugo Jedig. Hrsg. N. Berend, K. Mattheier. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Europäische Verlag für Wisseschaften, 1994. Jedig H. Laut- und Formbestand der niederdeutschen Mundart des Altai-Gebietes. Berlin, 1966. Kanakin I., Wall M. Das Plautdietsch in Westsibirien. Groningen, 1994. Kuz’mina A. I. Govor derevni Kamyshi i osobennosti ego slozheniya i razvitiya [The dialect of the village Kamyshi and the features of its composition and development]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Tomsk, 1961. Malinowsky L. Deutsche in Russland und in Sibirien. Barnaul, 2000. Moskalyuk L. I. Nemetskie “yazykovye ostrova” v Altayskom krae [German language islands in Altay region]. Voprosy Jazykoznanija (Topics in the study of language). 2016, no. 3, pp. 55–66. Moskalyuk L. I. Osobennosti razvitiya leksiko-semanticheskoy sistemy nemetskikh govorov na Altae [Features of the development of the lexical-semantic system of German dialects in Altay]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2018, no. 2, pp. 196–207. Nieuweboer R. The Altai Dialect of Plautdiitsch (West-Siberian Low German). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1998. Pankrats G. Ya. Nizhnenemetskiy dialekt v SSSR: fonetika, slovoobrazovanie, formoobrazovanie [Low German dialect in the USSR: phonetics, word-formation, form-formation]. Abstract of Dr. philol. sci. diss. Leningrad, 1968, 49 p. Quiring J. Die Mundart von Chortiza in Süd-Russland. Diss. München. 1928. Münster, 1985, 128 p. Siemens H. Plautdietsch. Bonn, Tweeverlag, 2012. Zhirmunskiy V. M. Problemy pereselencheskoy dialektologii [Problems of migratory dialectology]. In: Obshchee i germanskoe yazykoznanie. Izbr. trudy [General and Germanic linguistics. Selected works]. Leningrad, 1976, pp. 491–516. |
Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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