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Name: The concept “offense” in the Khakass language as a fragment of an emotional picture of the world

Authors: M. D. Chertykova

N. Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2020Pages 216-228
UDK: 811.512.153DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/17

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the semantic-cognitive description of the Khakass concept “offense.” In the Khakass emotional picture of the world, the concept “offense” has been found to be expressed mainly in verb forms while there is no dominant verb with the primary meaning of offense in the Khakass language. The main semantic meaning of this concept is carried by the verb taryn-, with the primary meaning “to be angry, to get mad,” which we believe to show the Khakass “offense” as an internal and at the same time a bright external experience. This experience implicates the desire to respond, if it is possible, to the offense and can be described as “offense – anger.” The implementation of the primary and secondary meanings of this verb depends on the nature of the broad context and situational information. The Khakass emotional picture of the world reveals two sides of offense, with the first being the inner “silent” experience of harm and injustice of the offended person (verbs with the general meaning of “sulking”) and mental pain (khomzyn-, khomaysyn-) and the second, the main one, being an angry claim to the offender (taryn-). The correlation of Khakass “offense” with emotions such as irritation, anger, frustration, indignation is also reflected in the subject’s behavioral mood. The meaning of the lexical paradigm of Khakass verbs of “offense” differs, for example, from the meaning of Russian verbs obizhat’sya, oskorblyat’sya, dut’sya (to offend, to insult, to sulk), in which something “deeply internal,” most often motivated, prevails, (e. g.: zatait’ obidu (to conceal an offense); prosit’ proshchen’ya za nanesennuyu obidu (to ask forgiveness for an offense inflicted); ne obizhat’ slabykh (not to offend the weak people); obidnaya neudacha (offended failure)). However, the Khakass “offense” goes in a slightly different direction: it is more often an internal and, at the same time, a bright external expression, implicating a desire to respond to the offense if it is possible.

Keywords: Khakass language, emotional picture of the world, concept, offence, verb, semantics


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