Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Self-presentation of language personality in the Internet-genre essay Authors: G. V. Kukuyeva Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe the self-presentation of a linguistic personality of the essay writer in the Internet genre. The research is based on the materials of the website http://zhurnal.lib.ru The analysis revealed that the image of an Internet author reflects such strategies of communicative behaviour as trust, sincerity, a combination of individual and public in the assessment of events, self-criticism, communicative pessimism, pun, close emotional contact with an addressee. The key role in author’s linguistic personality self-presentation is played by “nickname,” types of language masks chosen by the author, ways of speech reflection. The linguistic personality is revealed in the situation of communicative and emotional contact with an addressee. The starting point of author image creation is an alias. Self-presentation of a linguistic personality can be found either in the context that is typical for written essays or in the section about the author in which the writer is free to create his own virtual image. The actualisation of a linguistic personality identity is realized by self-reflective and self-expressive author’s masks. Speech self-reflection of an author is revealed through a deliberate compositional text division, the process of expressive actualisation of graphics and syntax techniques. All the means described are the basis of the pun. Keywords: Internet communication, speech genre of the essay, the language personality, the self-presentation Bibliography: Basalayeva E. G., Shpil’man M. V. Mnogotochiye kak ob”yekt yazykovoy refleksii v internet- diskurse [Ellipsis as an object of linguistic reflection in Internet discourse]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2015, no. 3, pp. 248–255. Bondareva E. P., Chistyakova G. V. 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