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Name: The negative existential predicates nʲetu- ‘be absent’ and nʲetu ‘there is no’ in the Central and Southern dialects of the Selkup language

Authors: S. V. Kovylin

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2016Pages 255-264
UDK: 811.511.21DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/23

Abstract: The paper discusses the negative existential predicates nʲetu- ‘be absent’ and nʲetu ‘there is no’ which are the result of borrowing from the Russian language. These predicates are widespread in the Narym and Middle-Ob dialects of the Selkup language. The negative existential predicate nʲetu- ‘be absent’ manifests similarities with the Selkup native negative existential predicate čangu- ‘be absent’. The agreement in person and number with the subject, full tense paradigm and ability to join some derivational and modal suffixes are observed. The existence of the negative existential predicate nʲetu ‘there is no’, which was borrowed from Russian and underwent no changes, was concurrently registered. The native and borrowed negative existential predicates can simultaneously appear in the same sentences.

Keywords: existential negation, borrowings, selkup language


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