Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
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DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883
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Name: The Heroine Is a Savage in the Georgsandovsky plot: The Polemic of A. Ya. Panaeva with A. V. Druzhinin (Based on the Material of the Story Apiary)

Authors: Anastasia A. Ponomareva, Anna S. Dubinina

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Secondary or Alternative: On the Russian Magazine Fiction of 19th Century

Issue 3, 2023Pages 7-19
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.25205/2713-3133-2023-3-7-19


The article is devoted to the study of the A. Ya. Panaeva’s story Apiary. The paper proves that the story was a kind of replica of the progressive project of love and family relations, which took shape in the A. V. Druzhinin’s story Polinka Saks under the influence of the Zh. Sand’s novel Jacques an warmly welcomed by the circle of Contemporary. Using the plot scheme of the Zh. Sand’s novel with the same plot shifts with which it is presented in the A. V. Druzhinin’s story, the writer builds a new plot combination that reveals an alternative idea of the emancipation of a woman. The writer shows that A. V. Druzhinin and the writers who supported his project declare the idea of a woman as an object (love / development, etc.), while ignoring her natural giftedness. Arguing with them, the writer creates a novel in which it is shown that the resource for the development of female self-consciousness is not outside, but inside her. To express her idea, A. Ya. Panaeva uses a plot in which the central figure is a natural heroine. This is the plot of a man from the civilized world in love with a heroine is a savage. The paper shows that this plot is transformed depending on new ideological tasks: the functions of mandatory actors (a heroine is a savage, a defender of the heroine, a man from the world of civilization) change, new plot links are added. During the analysis, it was concluded that A. Ya. Panaeva deconstructs the idea of a saving marriage, the development of a woman by a man.

Keywords: A. Ya. Panaeva, fiction, women’s prose, Georgsandovsky plot, the plot a man from the civilized world in love with a heroine is a savage, contamination of plots, polemic with A. V. Druzhinin


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