Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: On the Generic Integrity of Zhukovsky’s Ballads: Role Specializations vs Motifs Authors: Kirill V. Anisimov, Evgeniya E. Anisimova Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article examines basic structural constants of Zhukovsky’s ballads which are regarded as a canonic national version of this genre. The unchangeable distribution of three role specializations was distinguished as a typological core. As it is shown, personages of dissimilar types may be involved to perform on each single structural position among the three. These personages’ images may also be composed of dissimilar motifs which vary within a broad semantic range of potential choices. The article scrutinizes a fundamental principle of ballads’ composition – the dialogue-role triangle: force of universal World Order – mobile hero linked to this force and topographically and/or symbolically associated with the kingdom come – hero who makes a decisive choice. Keywords: V. A. Zhukovsky, ballad, genre, motif, role specializations, character functions Bibliography: Griboedov A. S. O razbore vol'nogo perevoda Byurgerovoy ballady “Lenora” [On the analysis of the free translation of the Bürger’s ballad “Lenora”]. In: Griboedov A. S. Complete works]. In 3 vols. St. Petersburg, Notabene, 1999, vol. 2, pp. 253–262. (in Russ.) Gukovsky G. A. Pushkin i russkie romantiki [Pushkin and the Russian Romantics]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1965, 355 р. (in Russ.) Lotman Yu. M. Syuzhetnoe prostranstvo russkogo romana XIX stoletiya [The plot space of the Russian novel of the 19th century]. In: Lotman Yu. M. O russkoy literature [About Russian literature]. St. Petersburg, Iskusstvo-SPB, 1997, pp. 712–729. (in Russ.) Lurie Ya. S. (ed.). Povest' o Drakule [The Tale of Dracula]. Moscow, Leningrad, Nauka, 1964, 211 p. (in Russ.) Magomedova D. M. Ballada [The Ballad]. In: Teoriya literaturnykh zhanrov [Theory of literary genres]. Moscow, Akademiya, 2011, pp. 125–128. (in Russ.) Mikeshin A. M. O zhanrovoy strukture russkoy ballady [About the genre structure of the Russian ballad]. In: Problemy literaturnykh zhanrov [Problems of literary genres]. Tomsk, TSU Press, 1972, pp. 154–156. (in Russ.) Nemzer A. S. “Sii chudesnye viden'ya…” Vremya i ballady V. A. Zhukovskogo [“These wonderful visions ...” Time and ballads of V. A. Zhukovsky]. In: Svoy podvig svershiv… [Having accomplished his feat…]. Moscow, Kniga, 1987, pp. 155–264. (in Russ.) Propp V. Ya. Morfologiya skazki [Morphology of the tale]. Leningrad, Academia, 1928, 152 p. (in Russ.) Serman I. Z. K voprosu o smyslovom edinstve ballad V. A. Zhukovskogo [To the question of the semantic unity of Zhukovsky's ballads]. In: Serman I. Z. Svobodnye razmyshleniya: Vospominaniya, stat'i [Free reflections: Memoirs, articles]. Moscow, NLO, 2013, pp. 137–144. (in Russ.) Silantev I. V. Poetika motiva [The poetics of the motif]. Ed. by E. K. Romodanovskaya. Moscow, Yazyki slavyanskoy kul'tury, 2004, 296 p. (in Russ.) Toporov V. N. Μουσαι “Muzy”: soobrazheniya ob imeni i predystorii obraza (k otsenke frakiy-skogo vklada) [Μουσαι “Muses”: considerations on the name and the prehistory of the image (to assess the Fraki contribution)]. In: Slavyanskoe i balkanskoe yazykoznanie. Antichnaya balkanistika i sravnitel'naya grammatika [Slavic and Balkan Linguistics. Ancient Balkanistics and comparative grammar]. Moscow, Nauka, 1977, iss. 3, pp. 28–86. (in Russ.) Trofimova N. V. “Skup i zhestok byl episkop Gatton…” (ballada V. A. Zhukovskogo “Sud Bozhiy nad episkopom” i istoriya ee syuzheta v drevnerusskoy literature) [“Bishop Hatto was mean and cruel...” (V. A. Zhukovsky’s ballad “The Judgment of God on the Bishop” and the history of its plot in Ancient Russian literature)]. In: Travnikov N. S. (ed.). Russkaya ballada. Istoriya i teoriya zhanra [Russian Ballad. History and theory of the genre]. Moscow, Gos. IRYa im. A. S. Pushkina, 2006, pp. 122–138. (in Russ.) Veselovsky A. N. Istoricheskaya poetika [Historical poetics]. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola, 1989, 406 p. (in Russ.) Vinitsky I. Dom tolkovatelya. Poeticheskaya semantika i istoricheskoe voobrazhenie V. A. Zhukovskogo [Interpreter’s House: Poetic Semantics and Historical Imagination of Vasily Zhukovsky]. Moscow, NLO, 2006, 328 p. (in Russ.) Vlasenko T. L. Tipologiya syuzhetov russkoy romanticheskoy ballady [Typology of the plots of the Russian romantic ballad]. In: Problemy tipologii literaturnogo protsessa [Problems of typology of the literary process]. Perm, PermSU Press, 1982, pp. 20–29. (in Russ.) Yanushkevich A. S. V mire Zhukovskogo [In the world of Zhukovsky]. Moscow, Nauka, 2006, 524 p. (in Russ.) |
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