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Пособие для научных работников по развитию навыков устной речи Preface Part II.
SCIENTIFIC GATHERING Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для развития навыков
устной речи в группах аспирантов и научных сотрудников, готовящихся
к сдаче
кандидатского экзамена по английскому языку и при работе в студенческих
группах. BIOGRAPHY
1. Bohr is one of the most ingenious interpreters of his generation of the problems of modern theoretical physics. 2. He did physics at the University of Copenhagen, obtaining his doctor's degree in 1911. 3. He proceeded immediately to Cambridge for further studies under Thomson. 4. In 1912 he moved to Manchester University where he was associated with Rutherford in the latter's atomic research. 5. In 1914, following a year as lecturer at the University of Copenhagen, Bohr returned to Manchester. 6. In 1920, largely due to Bohr's efforts, the Institute of Theoretical Physics was established at Copenhagen. 7. Bohr became its first head and under him the Institute has become a world famous centre of research. 8. Bohr took a leading part in the atomic bomb project, working mainly at the laboratory established in early 1943. 9. In 1944 - 1945 Bohr served as adviser to the scientific staff of the Manhattan project. 10. In 1945 Bohr returned to Copenhagen to resume his duties as director of the Institute. 11. Bohr's great achievement was recognized internationally by the Nobel prize award to him. 12. In 1957 he was the first recipient of the Atoms for Peace Award. 13. That same year he delivered his lecture on the Philosophical Lessons of Atomic Progress.
Model: 1. When did Bohr graduate, from the University? 2. Where did he go in 1912? 3. What idea did he put forward just before World War II? 4. Did he advance this idea alone or working together with Wheeler? 5. Did he participate in atomic research? 6. When did he come back to Copenhagen? 7. When did Bohr's contribution win him international recognition? 8. Was he the first to receive the Atoms for peace award? 9. When did he give his lecture on the Philosophical Lessons of Atomic Progress?
Model: Speak in the same way about Aristotle, Beethoven, Byron, Darwin, Dickens, Edison, Einstein, Faraday, Rossi, Levitan, Lobachevski, Mendeleyev, Newton, Pavlov, Rembrandt, Rutherford, B. Shaw, J. Grimm, Schlieman, Tchaikovski, Tolstoy and others.
Model: 1. It seems that your friend is in his second year at the University. 2. I've been told that your brother does experimental research in biology. 3. If I'm not mistaken, Popov did postgraduate research at your Institute. 4. To my mind, Dr. Brown is distinguished for his scientific research in theoretical physics. 5. For all I know, Dr. Ivanov gives lectures at the Polytechnical Institute. 6. I have recently learned that Peter is in his second year at the lnstitute of Electrical Engineering. 7. As far as I know, Dr. Somov does research in organic chemistry.
Model: 1. Did Columbus discover America? 2. Did Popov invent radio? 3. Did Leo Tolstoy write many novels? 4. Did Lomonosov found Moscow University?
1. Milton was . . . famous English poet. He was . . . author of "Paradise Lost". 2. My scientific adviser is . . . distinguished scientist. He is . . . author of a great number of papers and monographs. 3. Marie Curie was . . . world-famous physicist. 4. Do you happen to know who was . . . author of modern quantum mechanics? 5. Newton is known as . . . discoverer of the Laws of Motion. 6. Thomas Hunt Morgan is . . . author of many books. 7. Columbus was . . . great explorer. He is . . . discoverer of America. 8. Popov is . . . inventor of radio. 9. Edison is well-known as . . . inventor.
Model: 1. Feyman gave a well-known course of lectures. 2. Mendeleyev discovered the Law of Periodicity. 3. Dickens wrote many world-famous novels. 4. Columbus discovered America. 5. Rutherford did distinguished. research. Б. Copernicus developed his famous hypothesis.
Model: 1. Stratford-on-Avon is Shakespeare's. birthplace, isn't it? 2. Is Shroedinger the creator of wave mechanics? 3. Academician Ioffe founded the Soviet school of semiconductor physics, didn't he? 4. Is Novosibirsk a well-known scientific centre? 5. Your native town has very beautiful architecture, hasn't it? 6. Did academician Pavlov advance the theory of conditioned reflexes?
1. Мария Кюри известна тем, что она открыла радий. 2. Фарадей знаменит тем, что он сформулировал (formulate) закон электромагнитной индукции (electromagnetic induction). 3. Эдисон известен как изобретатель фонографа (phonograph). 4. Наш город знаменит своей архитектурой. 4. Гагарин прославился как первый космонавт (cosmonaut).
Model: 1. I hear your scientific adviser has obtained some original experimental results. 27 When did you obtain your degree? 3. As far as I know Petrov has received an invitation to join our lab. 4. I understand that you received your education at Moscow University. 5. Did your scientific adviser receive the Lenin prize? 6. Have you obtained all the necessary experimental data? 7. Do you think the results you obtained will help you to make final conclusions? 8. Have you received any news from your collaborators who are now on an expedition to the North?
1. Он не получил никакого образования. 2. Она получит премию. 3. Они получили цепные данные. 4. Я думаю, он получит степень доктора. 5. Полученные ими данные достоверны (quite reliable). 6. Когда вы получили эти данные? 7. Мы получили приглашение посетить эту интересную выставку. 8. Она получила ученую степень два года назад.
Model: 1. If I'm not mistaken, Bohr left Copenhagen for Manchester in 1914. 2. As far as I could gather from the text, Bohr took an active part in establishing the Institute of Theoretical Physics. 3. I believe Bohr advanced a lot of concepts of far-reaching consequence. 4. For all I know, Bohr did not stay in Denmark after the Nazis occupied the country. 5. To my mind Bohr's great achievement was generally recognized, wasn't it? 6. In my opinion Bohr was a distinguished scientist. 7. I heard that Bohr was not only a famous physicist, he was an outstanding philosopher as well. 8, As far as I remember, Bohr gave lectures at the University of Copenhagen. 9. I believe, that Bohr worked not only in Denmark but in the United States as well.
Model: 1. Is your friend still staying in Leningrad? (move somewhere). 2. Why was Enrico Fermi awarded the Nobel Prize? (recognize). 3. What is Newton's main contribution to science? (establish). 4. What is Mendeleyev famous for? (advance, propose). 5. Are you going to take part in the research carried on in your laboratory? (obtain new datum results). 6. What activities is your scientific adviser engaged in? (be head of; give lectures; write papers). 7. What is the main problem you're working at? (be concerned with; work under somebody). 8. Are you working at this problem alone? (in collaboration with . . . ; research team).
1. Родиться. 2. Он родился в 1933 году. 3. Когда вы родились? 4. Так как он родился в Англии, он хорошо знал английский язык, хотя его родным языком был датский (native tongue, mother tongue). 5. Получить образование. 6. Где вы получили образование? 7. Получив образование в Кембридже, он знал (be familiar with) систему образования в Англии (educational system). 8. Получить степень. 9. Где он получил степень доктора? 10. Занимался ли Бор под руководством Томсона? 11. Собирается ли она заниматься дальше (take up further studies)? 12. Бор работал с Резерфордом. 13. Когда она работала с вами? 14. Вы когда-нибудь работали с ними? (Use Present Perfect). 15. Где вы работали с ними? 16. Благодаря усилиям Бора. 17. Благодаря знанию физики. 18. Наш опыт был закончен вовремя (in time) благодаря совместным усилиям (joint) многих сотрудников (workers). 19. Кто был первым директором вашего института? 20. Кто организовал вашу лабораторию? 21. Выдвигать мысль (idea). 22. Мысль, выдвинутая Бором, оказалась плодотворной (fruitful). 23. Предлагать теорию. 24. Что вы предлагаете? 25. Предложенный им метод (approach) оказался полезным (helpful). 26. Вернувшись в Копенгаген, Бор вновь начал заниматься исследовательской работой. 27. Когда вы снова начнете свою работу (be going to . . . )? 28. Бор работал консультантом в научном отделе Манхэттенского проекта. 29. Огромные заслуги Бора получили признание.
1. Where were you
educated? 2. Did you do further studies after graduation? 3. Did
you move anywhere after graduation? 4. Have you ever given any
lectures? 5. What part do you take in research carried on at your laboratory?
6. Who is head of your laboratory? 7. What is he distinguished for?
8. Is he the author of any textbooks or monographs? 9. Has he received
any awards? 10. Who do you think has advanced the most fundamental
ideas of modern physics (biology, physiology, astronomy, chemistry,
etc.)? 11. Are you familiar with these theories? 12. What are your
plans for the nearest future? Text 2 Charles Robert Darwin, English naturalist and author, was born at Shrewsbury,
February 12, 1809. His father, Robert Warning Darwin, was a distinguished
physician at Shrewsbury.
1. Who was Charles Darwin? 2. Can you tell me where he was born? 3. Who was his father? 4. Will you tell me under whom Darwin studied at Shrewsbury school? 5. How long did he attend school? 6. What did he do after leaving school? 7. He was interested in the study of natural history, wasn't he? 8. On what expedition did he go? 9. Darwin corresponded with many scientists, didn't he? 10. Why is his correspondence with Asa Gray of special interest to us? 11. Whom did Lyell consult when Darwin sent him his own treatise and the manuscript received from Wallace? 12. What did Lyell and Hooker recommend Darwin? 13. Were Darwin and Wallace of the same opinion on all the problems concerning the theory of evolution? 14. Are you familiar with Darwin's view on the descent of man? 15. What is your opinion on Darwin's main contribution to science?
1. What examination are you going to take next spring? 2. What subjects did you like best while at school? 3. What subjects were you interested in while at the Institute (University)? 4. What course of lectures did you attend while a postgraduate? 5. In what field are you doing research?
1. Do you take interest in . . . science? 2. Botany is . . . science of plants. 3. Pavlov studied . . . biology at the University. 4. . . . astronomy is a branch of . . . knowledge. 5. I am sure that . . . knowledge of English will help me greatly in doing . . . research. 6. What is . . . knowledge? 7. . . . nature has always inspired poets and artists. 8. Are you familiar with . . . nature of . . . radioactivity? 9. He had to take into account . . . radioactivity of this element. 10. Rutherford determined . . . nature of alpha-particles and worked out . . . theory of radioactive disintegration of elements. 11. Mendeleyev discovered . . . Law of . . . Periodicity. 12. In his youth Dr. Nash studied . . . law. 13. My sister is fond of . . . music. 14. . . . music of Chopin is very beautiful. 15. I am not interested in . . . nuclear physics. I want to do . . . research in . . . field of . . . solid-state physics.
1. Lomonosov managed to secure admission to . . . school by pretending to be . . . son of . . . nobleman. 2. In 1745 he returned to St. Petersburg and was appointed professor of . . . chemistry at . . . University. 3. Are you going to take post-graduate courses at . . . research institute? 4. Next month my friend is going to give . . . lecture at . . . Department of Plant Anatomy of . . . Institute of . . . Botany. 5. My younger brother goes to . . . school. He hopes to enter . . . University and study . . . physics. 6. Does your sister work as . . . secretary at . . . office or at . . . plant? 7. Dr. Ivanov is . . . secretary of . . . scientific council of . . . Department of . . . theoretical physics.
1. Were you able to answer all the questions put to you? 2. Have you answered the letter you received from your friend? 3. Do you regularly attend English classes? 4. Did you attend the last seminar at your lab? 5. Are you going to attend our meeting tonight? 6. When are you going to consult your scientific adviser? 7. Do you often consult the head of your laboratory on problems concerned with your work? 8. Do you have to consult the dictionary when translating texts on your speciality? 9. Did he enjoy his stay in London? 10. Did you enjoy your holiday? 11. At what age did you enter the Institute? 12. Is your sister (brother) going to enter the University? 13. Did you join any scientific circle while at the University? 14. When did you join this laboratory? 15. When did you leave school? 16. When did you leave your native town?
Model: attend consult enjoy enter join leave
1. Преподаватель вошел в класс. 2. Он уехал из Ленинграда. 3. Кто может ответить на мой вопрос? 4. Идите вперед (You go first), а я пойду за вами. 5. На лекции присутствовало только двадцать студентов. 6. On вступил в студенческое научное общество. 7. Советовались ли вы со своим руководителем? 8. Я поступил в университет в 1976 году. 9. Когда вы закончили школу? 10. Вы следили за падением температуры?
1. How many people were present at the lecture on polymers? 2. Are you going to be present at the next seminar on Shakespeare? 3. Did you go to English classes last year? 4. You studied at the University, didn't you? 5. Does your son (daughter) go to school?
Model: 1. When did you go to see your friend? 2. Did you go to Petrodvoretz last Sunday? 3. Have you called on your colleague at the hospital? 4. Have you seen the new exhibition? 5. How often do you go to the Hermitage?
1. All children over seven must . . . school. 2. Have you . . . this exhibition? 3. Who . . . the meeting? 4. Will you . . . your friend to-morrow? 5. Many foreign tourists . . . our country every year. 6. While in Moscow I . . . the Gallery of Russian Art. 7. Who's going to . . . the next lecture in mathematics? 8. During my stay in Prague I . . . many places of interest.
1. Он не ходит на лекции. 2. Посещаете ли вы семинары по цитологии? 3. Вы были на выставке в Эрмитаже? 4. Правильно ли я вас понял (Am I to understand), что вы собираетесь посетить наш город? 5. Сколько людей посещает эти лекции? 6. Они никогда не ходят на наши семинары.
1. The problem you are studying is rather difficult. Did you . . . your scientific adviser on this point? What did he . . . you? 2. Who . . . you to use this method? 3. He had to . . . the reference book. 4. I . . . my doctor. He . . . me to go to the Black Sea shore.
consult advise
1. Do you often consult reference books? 2. Did your supervisor advise you to read your paper at the conference? 3. When do you consult the dictionary? 4. Did the doctor advise you to take your leave now? 5. Are you going to consult your scientific adviser on how to do the calculations?
1. Am I to understand that your scientific adviser is on leave now? 2. I was told that he was going on a sightseeing tour of Novgorod. 3. For all I know he is on an expedition to the North. 4. While on his trip to the Crimea he visited Chekhov's house.
1. Where is the secretary? (leave). 2. Where is your scientific adviser? (expedition to the North). 3. Where is the head of your laboratory? (tour of England). 4. When did you see Chekhov's house? (trip to the Crimea).
1. Он в отпуске. 2. Она поехала в экспедицию на север. 3. Правильно ли я вас понял (Am I to understand), что вы собираетесь в поездку по Англии? 4. Я не поеду завтра на экскурсию по Ленинграду. 5. Ездили ли вы в экспедицию в прошлом году? 5. Во время моей поездки в Киев я познакомился (get acquainted with) с работой их лаборатории.
1. I was greatly impressed by what I heard in your talk. 2. We were greatly impressed by the way he conducted his experiment. 3. The audience was greatly impressed by what the speaker said. 4. He was deeply impressed by what he had seen during his trip.
1. Did the story impress you? 2. Did the report of the new discovery impress you? 3. Did the results obtained by your colleague impress you? 4. Did the speaker impress the audience with his data?
1. На меня произвело большое впечатление прекрасное оборудование этой лаборатории. 2. Доклад произвел большое впечатление на слушателей (audience). 3. Поездка в Новосибирск произвела на иностранных ученых большое впечатление. 5. Фильм произвел на меня большое впечатление.
1. Are you familiar with modern views on atomic structure? 2. I got familiar with Darwin's theory while at school. 3. Am I to understand that he is interested in mechanics? 4. He got interested in dynamics when a boy of 14. 5. He wasn't acquainted with my work when he wrote his thesis. 6. She got acquainted with our work after she had read our paper.
1. You say you are acquainted with the theory of. . . . When did you get acquainted with it? 2. You seem to be greatly interested in this problem. When did you get interested in it? 3. When did you get interested in . . . ?
1. Знакомы ли вы с современными гипотезами о происхождении планет? 2. Когда вы познакомились с теорией происхождения видов? 3. Почему вы заинтересовались нашей работой? 4. Он очень (greatly) интересуется нашими результатами. 5. Правильно ли я вас понял, что вы не знаете наших работ?
1. To my mind this approach will give reliable re-suits. 2. I am afraid we must use some other approach. 3. There are no opponents of Darwin's theory today. 4. Darwin collected most of his data during his expedition.
1. Charles Darwin devoted much time . . . the study of natural history. 2. He went . . . a geological expedition. 3. He was much impressed . . . what he had learned. 4. He is familiar . . . modern views . . . the origin . . . our Galaxy. 5. He consulted . . . an English botanist . . . this point. 6. They differ . . . opinion . . . this subject. 7. He based his theory . . . reliable facts. 8. I was greatly impressed . . . the sights . . . the city. 9. My fellow-worker and I are going . . . a scientific expedition . . . the south. 10. We devote much effort . . . experimental work. 11. I got familiar . . . the theory . . . the descent . . . man while . . . school. 12. Is Dr. Brown here? No, he is away . . . leave. 13. He is . . . the opinion that these facts are reliable. 14. . . . my opinion their approach is quite wrong.
devote (to)
start enter something (without any preposition) to consult somebody (something) (without any preposition) attend (something) (without any preposition) develop
1. Под чьим руководством занимался Дарвин? 2. Под руководством профессора Петрова наш институт стал крупным (important) научным центром. 3. Группа (team) профессора Вагина проводит интересные исследования. 4. Когда Попов был выбран (назначен) профессором? 5. Кто назначен директором вашего института? 6. На Дарвина произвело большое впечатление то, что он увидел в Южной Америке. 7. Картины Рембрандта всегда производят на меня глубокое впечатление. 8. Что вам больше всего понравилось (произвело на вас самое большое впечатление) во время вашей поездки? 9. Его доклад широко обсуждался. 10. Имя Павлова широко известно за пределами нашей страны (outside this country). 11. Кто разработал эту теорию? 12. Теория, разработанная Дарвином, не была общепризннана в его время. 13. На Дарвина оказала большое влияние работа Мальтуса. 14. Советовались ли вы со своим руководителем? 15. Что посоветовал вам ваш руководитель? 16. Кто посоветовал вам вступить (to join) в студенческий клуб? 17. Советовал ли вам ваш преподаватель прочитать эту статью? 18. Посоветуйтесь со своими товарищами по работе (fellow-workers). 19. По моему мнению, он знаком с этой теорией. 20. Он собрал и привел в систему необходимые данные.
Use: be born at (in); attend school; spend some years in the study of . . . ; devote oneself to . . . ; be appointed . . . ; come home with rich stores of knowledge; be impressed by . . . ; abandon ideas as to the causes of . . . . b) Give a short outline of Darwin's work. c) Describe briefly your current research.
1. When were you born? 2. Who were your parents? 3. You attended school in Leningrad, didn't you? 4. Have you ever attended English classes? 5. Under whom did you study at the University (Institute)? 6. You often go on expeditions, don't you? 7. What impressed you most when you joined your laboratory? 8. When did you get familiar with . . . views on . . . ? 9. Have you already collected and arranged necessary data (facts, observations)? 10. When do you usually consult your scientific adviser? 11. Are you always of the same opinion on аll the problems concerning your field or do your opinions sometimes differ? 12. Do you correspond with any foreign scientists? 13. You attend all the laboratory seminars, don't you? 14. Are you familiar with current problems discussed at these seminars? 15. What problems are you especially interested in? 16. Have you written any joint papers with any of your colleagues? 17. Did you take part in the work of the students' learned society when an undergraduate?
Text 3
1. Morgan is an authority on embryology, evolution, genetics and heredity. 2. His interest in biology declared itself while he was an undergraduate at the Kentucky college. 3. He studied embriology under W. K. Brooks. 4. His work in genetics came to centre on problems of the physical basis of heredity. 5. A group of graduate students was at work in the Department of Zoology. 6. Morgan's former students and associates continued to develop his fundamental work in genetics.
1. What is Morgan distinguished for? 2. Under whom did Morgan study embryology? 3. In what field did he carry out experimental research? 4. What insect did he choose to study the physical basis of heredity? 5. When did he give the main outlines of his theory? 6. What did his observations enable him to do? 7. What was the chief subject of his research? 8. What was Morgan's most important contribution to the development of the science of genetics? 9. What did his former students and associates do after he had left Columbia University? 10. What prize was Morgan awarded? 11. What won him the Copley Medal? 12. Do you know whether Morgan wrote any books or monographs? Ex. 3. Answer the following questions using words and expressions from the text instead of those in italics.
1. When was Morgan
made professor? 2. In what field did he do
research? 3. What problem
did his work concentrate on? Ex. 4. Insert prepositions where necessary and read the sentences aloud. A B Ex. 5. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the verb take. 1. Where have you taken your degree? 2. When are you going to take your holiday? 3. Who took the first prize in the last game? 4. Do you take interest in art? 5. Does your friend take any interest in science? 6. How long did it take you to translate the paper? 7. Do your experiments take much time? 8. How long will it take you to get through with your experiment? 9. Did it take you long to get ready for your exam in German? 10. When are you going to take your examination in English? 11. When did your friend take post-graduate studies? 12. When did you decide to take up biology (chemistry, physics, botany, embryology) as your field? 13. Do you take an active part in the seminars which are held in your laboratory? 14. Where do you take your postgraduate course?
1. Она очень интересуется исследовательской работой. 2. Мой опыт занял три часа. 3. Сколько времени нужно, чтобы закончить (to complete) опыт? 4. Сколько вам потребовалось времени, чтобы доехать до (get to) Новосибирска? 5. Кто снял показания (the readings)? 6. Она еще не сдавала экзамена по (in) физике (химии и т. д.). 7. Когда он поступил в аспирантуру? 8. Она решила поступить в аспирантуру. 9. Когда он занялся физиологией (географией, медициной, наукой)? 10. Я пойду в отпуск в июле. 11. Он не принимал участия в обсуждении этого вопроса. 12. Проверка данных берет у меня много времени. 13. Ему потребовалось два месяца для того, чтобы собрать (mount) установку (device, apparatus, assembly).
1. My wife graduated from . . . 2. My interests centre on . . . 3. The chief subject of . . . 4. I base my experiments on . . . 5. My scientific adviser is the author of . . . 6. He is an authority on . . . 7. Our team makes a thorough analysis of . . . 8. I carry on . . .
1. We know that the evolution theory is generally accepted in this country. 2. I found that almost all researchers combine activities in research with social work. 3. I believe you base your experiments on theoretical considerations. 4. The head of your laboratory is an authority on mathematics (physics, biology, etc.), isn't he?
Model: 1. Mathematics is very. . . . I am greatly . . . in it (interesting, interested). 2. The sight of the mountains was very. . . . I got much . . . by it (impressive, impressed). 3. I got deeply . . . in chemistry. I find it very . . . (interesting, interested). 4. The number of people present was. . . . Everybody was . . . by his speech (impressive, impressed). 5. I am really deeply . . . in the results of your experiments. They are very . . . (interesting, interested).
1. - I got interested
in the subject of your work.
1. Эта статья весьма интересна. 2. Меня интересует его мнение. 3. Цифра была очень внушительной. 4. На меня оказало большое впечатление его сообщение. 5. Его не интересует проблема, о которой идет речь (the problem in question). 6. Я нахожу, что проблема, о которой идет речь, очень интересна.
1. Did you study the phenomena involved in metabolism? (thorough, thoroughly). 2. Do you make a study of these processes? (thorough, thoroughly). 3. Have you made any mention of our work? (brief, briefly). 4. Did Pavlov's work influence experimental physiology? (profound, profoundly). 5. Do your results show agreement with the theory? (good, well). 6. Did Morgan's works contribute to the development of natural sciences? (large, largely). 7. Did Morgan make any contribution to our knowledge of heredity? (great, greatly). 8. Does your son take any interest in physics? (great, greatly). 9. Has the speaker mentioned your experiments? (brief, briefly). 10. Have you checked your data? (thorough, thoroughly). 11 Does your hypothesis agree with the theory? (good, well). 12. Are you interested in research? (deep, deeply).
1. Он автор многих книг и статей. 2. Кто основатель современной физики? 3. Он директор нашего института. 4. Он специалист по этому вопросу. 5. Согласились (accept) ли вы с его точкой зрения? 6. Он не принял моего предложения. 7. Признана (accept) ли эта теория? 8. Его заслуги общепризнаны (recognize). 9. Чья теория теперь общепризнана? 10. Законы Ньютона общеизвестны. 11. Он провел тщательный анализ. 12. Он тщательно проанализировал результаты измерений. 13. Он выработал законченную теорию. 14. Когда вы закончите свою диссертацию (thesis). 15. Когда вы закончили университет? 16. Мои опыты далеко не (far from) закончены. 17. Проводите ли вы экспериментальные исследования? 18. Проведенные мною опыты дали (provide with) мне необходимые данные. 19. Я основываю свои рассуждения на заключениях, которые дает (provide) общая теория. 20. Я занимаюсь под руководством профессора Н. 21. У него большой интерес к биологии. 22. Его интерес к физике проявился, когда он учился в школе. 23. Они интересуются физикой. Физика очень интересный предмет. 24. Я заинтересовался его опытом. Он проводит очень интересные опыты. 25. Моего руководителя назначили директором нашего института. 26. Его назначение очень важно для нашего института. 27. Он известен как хороший певец. 28. Он известен как крупный специалист по (в области) общей химии. 29. Они знамениты своими работами по некоторым специальным вопросам теории жидкостей.
Use: show interest in . . . ; graduate from . . . ; study under . . . ; be appointed professor of . . . ; carry on (out) experimental studies; centre on; analyze thoroughly; lay the main outlines of the theory of . . . ; form a basis for . . . ; constitute the chief subject of one's research; be the most important step in . . . ; list the new principles of . . . ; be awarded a prize; win a medal.
Use: centre on . . . ; be concerned with . . . ; collect data; make observations; measure; calculate; investigate; arrange new facts; read (give) a paper; joint paper; agree with . . . ; work under . . . ; the method (approach) proved fruitful.
Use: interest is concentrated on . . . ; explain (provide explanation
of . . . ); analyze thoroughly; form a basis for . . . ; study the
nature of . . . ; provide evidence far, . . . ; be an important step
in the development of . . . ; be responsible for . . . .
1. Hopkins was educated at a private school. 2. He took his first training in the Laboratory of Consulting Chemist. 3. He combined activities in research with clinical work. 4. After taking his degree at the University of London he became a member of the staff of the medical school. 5. He joined the illustrious school of physiology which Foster was founding. 6. He early realized the urgent needs of biochemistry. 7. Biochemistry was then entering its modern phase, under F. Hoppe-Seyler and F. Hofmeister. 8. In 1906 while a reader in chemical physiology he announced the importance of vitamins. 9. In collaboration with the late Sir W. Fletcher he did research into the chemical changes that accompany muscle contraction. 10. In 1929 he was joint winner of the Nobel prize in physiology for his contribution on growth-promoting vitamins. 11. He held many honorary degrees.
1. Where did Hopkins receive his primary education? 2. Where did he take his first training? (Where did he do his first studies?). 3. Was he engaged in any activities outside his research? 4. Where did he take his degree? 5. What hospital did he work at? 6. What did M. Foster propose to him? 7. What was one of the urgent needs of biochemistry at that time? 8. What was Hopkins famous for? 9. In what field of science did he work? 10. Why can Hopkins be considered the father of vitamin chemistry? 11. What research did he do in collaboration with Fletcher? 12. In what areas was he a pioneer? 13. What fundamental contribution did ho make in 1921? 14. What won Hopkins the Nobel prize? 15. Did he hold any scientific degrees?
Model: 1. To my
knowledge, Hopkins was a distinguished scientist.
1. Where did Hopkins take his degree? 2. When did he become a member of the staff of a medical school? 3. Why was he called to Oxford? 4. Was he aware of the importance and urgency of his work? 5. Did his report clear up some facts concerning nutrition?
1. Hopkins was educated . . . private schools. 2. His activities . . . research were generally recognized. 3. . . . 1899 he joined . . . the illustrious school . . . physiology. 4. Biochemistry was then entering . . . its modern phase. 5. Hopkins became world-known . . . important researches and discoveries . . . the field . . . biochemistry. 6. He based his experiments . . . sound theoretical considerations. 7. He succeeded . . . isolating a new substance. 8. He was a reader . . . chemical physiology. 9. He did important research . . . the chemical changes that accompany muscle contraction. 10. He was joint winner . . . the Nobel prize . . . physiology . . . his contributions . . . growth-promoting vitamins. 11. My supervisor's activities . . . experimental work are well-known. 12. Dr. N. combines deep theoretical knowledge . . . great experimental skill. 13. My wife joined . . . the laboratory two years ago. 14. While a student I joined . . . a learned society. 15. My scientific adviser became known . . . his paper issued . . . 1960. 16 . . . what field do you do research? 17. Do you base your work . . . evidence provided . . . experiment? 18. Last year I succeeded . . . passing my entrance examination and was admitted to the Institute.
1. What did your friend do after he graduated from the University? (call; become a member of the staff; work in the field of .. . ; combine research with teaching). 2. Why have you decided to take up biology (physics, chemistry, astronomy, physiology, botany, etc.) as your field? (while at school; join; give the matter a thorough consideration). 3. How is your work progressing? (quite well; succeed in . . . ; base; work in collaboration with . . . ; joint paper). 4. Is your scientific adviser a prominent scientist? (yes, rather; hold honorary degrees; make a contribution to . . . ; do research into . . . ; create). 5. Have you got much work to do at present? (yes, rather; urgent; take postgraduate studies; combine one's studies with research). 6. How did your co-worker learn English? (by studying hard; join).
1. Did Niels Bohr contribute to the study of atomic structure? 2. What insects did Morgan experiment with? 3. Did he discover anything important? 4. Did you study all the literature in your field before writing your thesis? 5. Which of the books you read impressed you most? 6. Did you summarize all the data at the end of your paper? 7. Are there any mistakes in your English dictation?
1. Он проводит исследование (investigation). 2. Составьте список участников конференции. 3. Я поставил ряд опытов. 4. Позвольте мне подвести итог (summary). 5. Она сделала две ошибки. 6. Он сделал важное открытие. 7. Когда вы будете делать измерение?8. Бора назначили профессором теоретической физики.9. Астрономы ведут наблюдения. 10. Вам надо было сделать вычисления сначала (first). 11. Бор много сделал для науки. 12. Какое предложение (suggestion) вы хотите сделать?
1. Have you got much work to do? 2. Have you done your exercises? 3. I wish to know what research you do. 4. You do postgraduate studies under Dr. Petrov, don't you? 5. Where did you do mathematics? 6. What kind of experiments do you do? (⌠make experiments■ is also possible).
1. Он изучает физику (ботанику и пр.). 2. Он делает уроки. 3. Я занимаюсь в аспирантуре. 4. Мне надо сделать много (a lot of) работы. 5. Ей надо сделать много упражнений. 6. Они проводят исследования (research).
1. I've got a lot of work to. . . . 2. He's got a lot of measurements to. . . . 3. I've a suggestion to . . . . 4. She's got many exercises to. . . . 5. I've got a lot of calculations to. . . . 6. May I . . . a suggestion? 7. He is . . . interesting research in fiber optics. 8. They are tired of . . . these endless calculations. 9. Did he . . . physics under Dr. Petrov? 10. Are you . . . any experiments at present?
1. Я заинтересовался проведенной вами работой.2. Я провел мало опытов. 3. Какие заключения вы сделали? 4. Он не сделал ошибок в своих вычислениях. 5. Он сделал важное открытие. 6. Он получил Ленинскую премию за сделанное им открытие. 7. На уроках английского языка мы делаем много упражнений.
call joint 4. Они написали совместную статью. 5. В результате совместных усилий (efforts) ученые решили (solved) эту трудную задачу. 6. Они сделали совместный доклад. 7. Эти два профессора получили Ленинскую премию за общую работу. hold 8. Он имел несколько почетных званий. 9. Собрание происходило в конференц-зале (conference-hall). (Give a passive construction). 10. Этот закон справедлив (имеет силу) только для идеальных газов.
1. Я начал изучать химию в институте. 2. Моя жена стала заниматься химией под руководством профессора Иванова. 3. Они начали работать в клинике два года тому назад. 4. Он совмещает исследовательскую работу с работой в клинике. 5. Совмещает ли он научную деятельность с педагогической (teaching)? 6. Инертные газы не соединяются с кислородом. 7. Его пригласили в Московский университет читать лекции по биологии.8. По окончании университета он стал преподавателем. 9. Окончив университет, он поступил (join) в нашу лабораторию. 10. Окончив школу, она поступила (enter) в институт. 11. Поступила ли она на физический факультет? 12. Это одна из самых неотложных задач современной биохимии. 13. У меня срочная работа (я должен сделать срочную работу). 14. Ньютон знаменит тем, что он открыл законы движения. 15. Гюйгенс известен тем, что он разработал волновую теорию света (wave theory of light). 16. Он основывал свои опыты на теоретических предпосылках. 17. Ему удалось выделить (isolate) новое вещество. 18. Им удалось разъяснить некоторые оптические явления. 19. Читая лекции по медицине, он разъяснял (make clear) значение витаминов. 20. Будучи студентом (когда я был студентом), я занимался физикой. 21. В сотрудничестве со своим другом он провел важные исследования химических реакций, сопровождающих сокращение мускулов (muscle contraction). 22. Он исследовал причины этих изменений. 23. Хопкинс внес большой вклад в науку, показав значение витаминов для человеческого организма (human organism). 24. Он получил Нобелевскую премию по медицине и биологии совместно с Эйкманом. 25. Я написал совместную статью с доктором Казаковым. 26. Они провели совместное исследование этих новых полимерных материалов (polymer materials).
a) Say a few words about Hopkins. Describe his scientific career before he became internationally known. Use: be born in . . . ; be educated at . . . ; take one's training in . . . ; take one's degree at . . . ; become a member of the staff of . . . ; be called (invited) to . . . by . . . ; join the school of physiology; combine activities in research with . . . ; realize that . . . ; have accurate knowledge of . . . . b) Speak about Hopkins's chief contribution to science. Use: become internationally known for . . . ; base experiments on sound theoretical considerations; succeed in . . . ; clear up . . . ; in collaboration with . . . ; do research into . . . ; lay the foundation of . . . ; make one's most fundamental contribution by . . . ; be joint winner of . . . for . . . ; hold honorary degrees.
1. Where did you
receive education? 2. Did you join any scientific (learned) society
while at the Institute? 3. Where did you take your
first training in . . . ? 4. When did you graduate from. the Institute?
5. What Institute did you come to work at after graduation? 6. What
activities are you engaged in at present? 7. In what field of science
do you carry on research? 8. What do you base your experiments (calculations,
theoretical considerations) on (upon)? 9. Do you combine theoretical
research with applied studies? 10. How do you plan your experiments?
11. Do you work alone or in collaboration with your fellow workers
(colleagues)? 12. Can you tell us what the urgent needs of biochemistry
(physics, physiology, geology, mathematics, botany, astronomy, etc.)
are nowadays? LIST OF WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS WHICH CAN BE USED WHEN SPEAKING a) About the Head of a Laboratory be a well-known (distinguished, prominent, outstanding, famous) scientist; be known (distinguished, famous) for . . . ; be engaged in (different activities); be appointed (elected, made) director (head, manager, professor) of . . . ; hold the position of director (head, manager, professor); be at the head of (head, run, be in charge of) an Institute (laboratory, research team, etc.); hold seminars, give lectures (course of lectures) in physics (chemistry, biology, etc.); give a lecture (talk, communication) on . . . ; go on an expedition (tour, trip); contribute (make a contribution) to . . . ; do important (outstanding, excellent, etc.) research in (into, of) . . . ; make a thorough (complete, detailed, accurate) study of . . . ; advance (propose, develop, put forward, suggest) an idea (hypothesis, approach, theory); work out an approach (method, explanation); search for (adopt, use, make use of) a new (another, better) approach (technique, method); be generally recognized; win general recognition; win (receive, be awarded) a prize (award) for . . . ; b) About a Visit to a Research Laboratory visit; stay for . . . ; be shown around; get acquainted with . . . ; learn; be (get) interested in . . . ; work in collaboration with . . . ; do joint research; exchange opinions on . . . ; be of the same (a different) opinion on . . . ; be impressed by . . . ; enjoy. c) About Oneself be born in . . . at (in) . . . ; go to (attend) school; while at school; get interested in . . . ; leave school take entrance examinations; read much (hard) for the examinations; be admitted to . . . ; while in one's first (second, etc.) year; join a students' scientific (learned) society; do physics (biology, etc.); read a paper; attend lectures in (on) . . . ; study under . . . ; graduate from the Institute (University); begin (start) working at . . . ; get an appointment as (position of) a teacher (engineer, junior research worker, laboratory assistant); join a laboratory; read for one's thesis; collect and arrange data (facts, observations); check one's results; do (carry on) experiments on (with) . . . ; do theoretical work; do research in (into, of) . . . ; make calculations (observations, measurements) of . . . ; consult one's come to the conclusion; agree; be through with the experimental part of . . . ; succeed in obtaining reliable results (data); work jointly (do joint work) with . . . ; overcome difficulties; be particularly interested in . . . ; take no interest in . . . ; be outside the scope of one's work.
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