Text 1

By Robert Colborn, Chief Editor and the Editors of International Science and Technology, pp XIV+746. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N. Y.. Toronto, New York and London. 1965.

     This book, written mainly for professional scientists and engineers but comprehensible to the interested layman, aims to acquaint them with the latest discoveries and the state of the art in fields of science and technology other than their own. It consists of articles which originally appealed in the magazine International Science and Technology. Although almost all the authors work in the United States, reference is made to workers in other countries.
     The subject matter relates only to the understanding or controlling of the physical world and appears under six headings: space and astronomy; earth science and oceanography; mathematics and computers. Thus biology and medical or social sciences are excluded. Subjects have been chosen for the potential usefulness or development, rather than for the fact that they are well understood or widely used at present, and each article contains a summary and a section recommending further reading. In general, the style is refreshihgly different from that in learned Journals, yet it remains lucid. The book is profusely illustrated with diagrams, photographs and marginal sketches, as well as some colour plates.
     The editor is to be congratulated on producing this excellent collection of articles on such diverse subjects.
     The book is stimulating to read, and deserves a place in any library used by those with an interest in science.


Ex. 1. Read the following sentences aloud and translate them into Russian paying special attention to the parts in italics.

1. This book is written mainly for profession's scientist . 2. The book aims to acquaint the reader with the latest discoveries in fields of science and technology. 3. Ibis article originally appeared in the magazine International Science and Technology. 4. Reference is made to workers in other countries. 5. The subject matter appears under six headings. 6. Subjects have been chosen for their potential usefulness or development. 7. In general the style is refreshingly different from that in learned journals. 8. The editor is to be congratulated on producing this excellent collection of articles on such diverse subjects. 9. The book deserves place in any library used by those with an interest in science.

Ex. 2. Discuss with your fellow-student the books you are reading. Work in pairs.


Find out who the book is written for. (Use the definite article with the noun denoting profession in the Singular and no article with that in the Plural).
1. The book I am reading is written for professional scientists.
2. Professional scientists in what field?
1. In the field of . . . (electronics, biology, etc ).
2. I see. So it is written for the . . . (engineer
in electronics, biologists, etc.).
1. Yes. For . . . (engineers in electronics, biologists etc.).


Find out that countries the authors come from. (Use the definite article with the nouns denoting the names of the countries containing such words as republic, state, union, kingdom, etc E.g.: the USA, but America).
1. The book you have spoken about consists of articles. My question is: Who are the authors? I mean, what countries do they come from?
2. Most of the authors work in . . . (the Soviet Union), but reference is made to workers in other countries.
1. Such as?
2. Such as . . . (the GDR, the USA, Japan, Canada, the UK).
1. Could you name those working in . . . (Great Britain)?
2. Yes. Prof. . . . (H. Smith) works in (Great Britain).


Find out the name of the journal in which the article is published. (Use the definite article with the nouns journal and magazine; e. g.: the journal Physical Review, but Physical Review).
1. I would like to know the following: In what journal did the article appear?
2. It was published in a . . . (monthly physical journal).
1. In . . . (Physical Review)?
2. Yes, in the journal . . . (Physical Re╛view). or: No, not in the journal . . ., in . . . .


Find out the structure and composition of the book. (Use the indefinite article with nouns in the Singular and no article with those in the Plural after the verbs consist of and contain).
1. The volume consists of several parts. Is that so?
2. Right. It contains . . . parts.
1. Does it contain . . .? (a summary, an in-introduction, a preface, references, a section 1 for further reading).
2. Yes, it does (or: No, it does not).


Find out if the subjects you take interest in are included) in the book. (Use the indefinite article with the noun in the Singular and no article with that in the Plural after such}.
1. I wonder if . . .( biogenetics, electronics, computerization,etc.) is/are included in the volume?
2. No, such a subject as . . . (or: such subjects as . . .) is/are not included. or: Yes, such subjects as . . . are included, such a subject as . . . is included.

Ex. 3. Listen to the text and answer the questions.

This book presents a collection of articles which originally appeared in Scientific American and Physical Review. Almost all the authors of the articles work in the United States of America. They are experts in different fields of science and technology. The book is addressed both to professional scientists and interested laymen . The book consists of two parts devoted to semiconductors and electronics. Such subjects as biophysics and space medicine have been excluded.

Comprehensive check

1. To whom is the book addressed? 2. What country do the authors come from? 3. In what journals did the articles originally appear? 4. How many parts does the book contain? 5. What subjects were included and what subjects were excluded from the book?

Ex. 4. Speak about the book you are reading (or have recently read). Use the text of ex. 3 as a model.

Ex. 5. Discuss with your fellow-student the books (articles) you are reading (have read). Work in pairs.


Find out what field of science the book (article, journal) acquaints the reader with.
1. If I am not mistaken, the book acquaints the reader with the latest discoveries in the field of . . . (physiology).
2. Right.
1. What I would like to know is this: What areas of . . . (physiology) is the reader introduced to?
2. То . . . (electrophysiology, neurophysiology, etc.).

Use also: the latest developments in the field of . .; the recent achievements in the field of . .; the aims and achievements in . . .; exactly, precisely.


Find out what the structure of the book is.
1. The book consists of . . . (6) chapters (parts, sections), doesn't it?
2. Exactly. The subject matter of the book appears under . . . headings.
1. What are they?
2. (looking at the table of contents) They are . . .


Find out to whom reference is made.

1. As far, as I understand! reference is made to researchers working in many countries. Are (Japanese, British, American) workers also mentioned?
2. For all I know, they are.
1. And what about (Austrian) researchers?
2. As far as I know they contributed little to this field of knowledge, therefore no reference is made to them.


Find out in what country, in what field of knowledge, at what subject and at which educational establishment or research centre the author works.
1. You said that the author of the article works in . . . (Great Britain).
2. Yes (looking at the notes about the author's identity). He is a . . . (Ph. D., Doctor of . . ., at Cambridge University).
1. I wonder in what field of . . . (medicine, physics, chemistry) he is involved (engaged)?
2. In . . . (oncology, semiconductors).
1. And what is the subject of his research?
2. He works at . . . (breast cancer).


Find out он what subject and by whom the article (book, chapter, lecture, volume, collection of articles) is written.
1. The article is written by . . . (one, two, three) author(s). Right?
2. Right.
1. Who is (are) he (they)?
2. This is a review article written by . . ., . . . and . . . .
1. And what is its subject?
2. The article is on . . . (see its title).
Use also: contributors, experts, workers.


Find out what scientific interests of the author are.
1. As far as I understand the author is interested in a wide (narrow) field of . . .(physiology, physics, chemistry).
2. Right. And he takes particular (special) interest in . . . (the structure of . . .).


Find out whether or not the book is of value; where, when and by whom it was written, published, edited.
1. What is your opinion of the book? How / do you estimate its value?
2. I think this is an excellent book. The author(s) (editor(s), contributors) can be congratulated on producing it (on completing it). or: I don't think it is a good book. I can't say that the author is to be congratulated on producing it.
3. Which book are you two talking about? By whom is it written and published?
2. . . .  by . . . (H. Smith). It was published by . . . (Academic Press) in . . . (London) in 19. . .
1. And (Pete) thinks that this is a . . . book. He says that the author can (can't) be congratulated on producing it.


Find out whether or not the book is illustrated, and how if it is.
1. If I am not mistaken, the book acquaints the reader with the latest developments in the field of . . . (physiology).
2. Right.
1. I would like to know the following: Are there any illustrations?
2. Yes, the book is profusely illustrated with photos (colour plates, diagrams, tables, figures). or: No, there are no illustrations. It is very unfortunate because with illustrations the 'book would be much better.

Ex. 6. Put questions to the words in italics minding the place of the prepositions.

     Model: The book consists of 10 chapters.
How many chapters does the book consist of?

1. The book acquaints us with the latest developments. 2. The volume consists of 8 essays. 3. Dr. Priestley is working at a new invention. 4. Reference is made to researchers in other countries. 5. Dr. Brown takes a great interest in chemistry. 6. Students are interested in results. 7. My friends congratulated me on obtaining these data. 8. The book is written by Dr. Smith. 9. The article is written by professional scientists. 10. The work is carried on by neurophysiologists. 11. The work is carried on with microelectrodes.

Ex. 7. Listen to the text and answer the questions.

     The article I am going to speak about originally appeared in the Proceedings of Leningrad University in 1981. It has been written by a leading authority in my field of science, Prof. N. Ivanov. The article consists of 4 sections. The purpose of the article is to acquaint the reader with the work carried on and the data obtained in one of the physical laboratories of the University. Reference is made to workers both at home and abroad. As the article is on the subject I am greatly interested in I read it with pleasure. I think it will be extremely interesting to my colleagues who take interest in experiments of this kind. It is profusely illustrated with diagrams and colour plates. The author is to be congratulated on producing this excellent piece of work.

Comprehensive check

1. Where and when was the article published? 2. By whom was it written? 3. What does it acquaint the reader with? 4. To whom is reference made? 5. With what is the article illustrated?

Ex. 8. Speak about an article or any other publication. Use the text above (ex. 7) as a model.

Ex. 9. Answer the following questions using the prompts given in brackets.

Model: What does the book begin with? a short introductory chapter. It begins with a short introductory chapter.

1. What does your article begin with? (an introductory part; a few general remarks; a short introduction). 2. What is each subsection preceded by? (a brief theoretical introduction; some introductory notes; an introductory discussion}. 3. What does the book introduce us to? (the work done in . . .; the new data in the field of . . .; the up-to-date techniques in . . .). 4. What does the book acquaint us with? (recent discoveries in . . .; applications of new methods; experimental technique; the work done in the field of . . .).

Ex. 10. Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Get him to give you detailed answers. Work in pairs.

1. Is there an introductory part in your thesis (article, the book you are reading)? 2.What subjects are dealt with in the introduction of your thesis (article, book, the book we are speaking about)? 3. What problems does the book acquaint us with? 4. When and how were you first introduced to this subject?
Ex. 11. Translate into English.
- Вы знакомы с этой статьей?
- Да. Я прочитал ее вчера.
- Интересная статья?
- Очень.
- Меня тоже интересует эта проблема. Надо прочитать эту статью.
- Прочитайте. В вводной части автор знакомит читателя с историей вопроса, а в последующих разделах мы знакомимся с методом исследования, полученными данными и выводами автора.

Ex. 12. Discuss the book your fellow-student is reading. Use last and latest. Work in pairs.

1. What are the final pages of the book devoted to?
2. The last pages present references (or: the table of contents; the list of contributors;
conclusions; summary).
1. I wonder if the recent achievements in your field of knowledge, I mean in the field of . . ., are also taken into account?
2. By all means. The latest achievements are also taken into account (or: I am afraid not. The latest achievements are not taken into account).
1. As far as I understand, the author provides the reader with the up-to-date information on the problem of . . . . Is that so?
2. Yes. The author provides the reader with the latest information on . . . (or: Unfortunately, the latest information on . . . is not given).
1. And what about the final section (part, chapter)? What problems are dealt with there?
2. The last section (part, chapter) is devoted to . . . .

Ex..13. Use the word-combination given below in sentences of your own.

     Model: Have you read the last article by Academician Keldysh?
Have you read the latest article by your professor?

1. The latest book, the last book. 2. The latest journal, the last journal. 3. The latest publication, the last publication, 4. The latest edition, the last edition. 5. The latest issue of the newspaper, the last issue of the newspaper.

Ex. 14. Insert the right word: last or latest.

1. My aim is to acquaint the reader with the . . . discoveries in our field of research. 2. The . . . chapter of my thesis is devoted to the experimental technique. 3. The introductory discussion is concerned with the . . . types of polymer forming reactions. 4. The summary is given at the . . . two pages. 5. The second chapter deals with the . . . models of the apparatus. 6. This is the . . . model received by our laboratory.

Eх. 15. Translate into English.

1. - О чем идет речь в последней статье, которую вы прочитали?
- О последних достижениях в моей области исследования.
2. - Чему посвящен последний номер журнала этого года?
- Новейшим работам ученых в нашей области.
3. - Вы читали последнюю статью доктора Н. в последнем номере журнала?
- Да. - Чему она посвящена? - Самым последним методам исследования.
4. - О чем последние страницы работы?
- О последних (новейших) результатах исследования

Ex. 16. Translate into Russian.

1. A list of references. 2. Key references. 3. A complete set of references. To make reference to somebody (or something). 5. A reference book (work). 6. A work of reference.

Ex. 17. Discuss the hook your fellow student is reading. Work in pairs.


Find out whether or nor the reviewed book provides the reader with all kinds of references.
1. I wonder if the book provides the reader with key references?
2. Sure. Key references are supplied. or: I am sorry to say, key references are not given. or: There are no key references.

U s e: a list of references; a complete set of references; most extensive set of references; inadequate references; generous references; numerous references.


Find out to whom reference is made.
1. I see that reference is made to authors from many countries. Right?
2. Right.
1. Which of the prominent researchers in this field of knowledge are referred to?
2. . . . , . . . , and . . . are among those to whom reference is made.
1. Are there any new names?
2. Reference is also made to . . ., . . ., and . . ., whose research is not so well-known (or: For all I know, there are no new names).


Try to estimate the value of the book.
1. Do you think the book will prove useful (valuable) as a reference book?
2. I hope so. I think it'll be a most reliable work of reference (or: No, I don't think it will be useful as a reference book, because . . .).

Ex. 18. Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Get him to give you detailed answers. Work in pairs.

1. Did you, (the author) provide your (his, her) paper with a list of references? 2. Whom did you(the author) make reference to? 3. Is your (the author’s) list of references complete (extensive, generous, adequate, inadequate, numerous)? 4. What kind of book do you consult if you need some new information? 5. What reference work do you usually consult? 6. Who is the author or the editor of this work of reference?

Ex. 19. Complete the following sentences.

1. The title of the book I am reading is . . . . 2. The heading of the chapter I am interested in is . . . . 3. The headline of the newspaper article we discussed last time is . . . . 4. The title of my friend's thesis is . . . . 5. The title of my professor's work for Doctor's Degree is . . . .

Ex. 20. Discuss the structure of the book your fellow-student has brought to class. Work in pairs.

1. What is the title of the book?
2. . . . (reading the title). And what is the
title of the book you are reading now?
1. . . . (answers). I would like to know something else: how many parts (sections, chapters) does the book consist of?
2. . . .
1. How is each part entitled?
2. The heading of the first part is . . . . The title of the second part is . . . . The third part is entitled . . . .
1. And now I would like to ask you this: how many chapters are there in the first (second, third) part? Under what headings do they appear?
2. There are . . . chapters. Their headings are as follows . . . .

Ex. 21. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the title of your paper (the book you have recently read)? 2. Under what headings does the subject matter appear? 3. What is the heading of the last section? 4. Does the title describe the subject? 5. What is the headline of the newspaper article you are going to tell us about?

Ex. 22. Your fellow-student has brought a book to class. Discuss it. Work in pairs.

1. I have two questions to ask. First, what is the subject of the book; and, second, what is its aim?
2. As to the first question, the subject of the book is . . . (e. g. cancer research). As for the second question, according to the pre face, the aim (object, purpose) of the book is to . . . (e. g.: to provide the reader with information about recent advances in . . .; to give the reader some Idea of . . .; to pro vide the reader with the latest data on . . .).
1. I'd like to ask you something else. What is the book devoted to? What I mean to ask is this: What is the subject matter of the book?
2. As far as the subject matter of the book is concerned, it deals with . . . (Use: diverse aspects of . . .; the understanding of . . .; the application of . . .).

Ex. 23. Use subject or object instead of their synonyms in the following sentences.
1. This is an excellent collection of articles on diverse topics. 2. The aim of my paper is to present the basic ideas of the theory in question. 3. The author treats a great variety of problems. 4. Other topics dealt with in this book are regularly reviewed in scientific journals. 5. The purpose of this volume is to analyze the character of the brain activity.

Ex. 24. Insert the right word: subject, object or subject matter.

1. The . . . of the book is of major importance. 2. The . . . of my thesis is arranged in the following way. 3. The . . . of the paper is to give some idea about analogue computers. 4. The . . . of the textbook falls into two sections. 5. The . . . of my work is to investigate this particular problem. 6. I am engaged in one of the aspects of the broad . . . of biochemistry.

Ex. 25. Translate into English.

Я хотел бы задать Вам несколько вопросов: во-первых, какова тема статьи; во-вторых, какова ее цель;
затем - каков предмет исследования, и, наконец, о чем она (содержание)?

Ex. 26. Answer the following questions.

1. What subjects are dealt with in your thesis (paper, article, the book you are reading)? 2. What is the subject of your research? 3. What is the object of your investigation? 4. The subject of your investigation is of great importance, isn't it? 5. How is the subject matter of your thesis (paper, the book you are reading) arranged?

Ex. 27. Discuss the book (article, journal) your fellow-student has brought to class. Find out the subject matter of the publication and how it is arranged. Work in pairs.

1. I see that the book consists of several parts (or: articles, papers, contributions, essays). How many parts, exactly, does it consist of?
2. . . . (four). (Or: It contains (four) parts). And each part contains . . . (e. g. an account of . . .; a careful account of . . .).
1. Are all the parts written by one or different authors?
2. . . . (answer and, if possible, supply some information about the authors, e. g.: the first article . . .   is written by N., who is an authority on . . . . He works at . . . . In recent years he mainly specializes in. . . .

Ex. 28. Put questions to the numerals in the following sentences.

Model: The book consists of 2 parts.
How many parts does the book consist of?

1. The book contains 32 electron micrographs. 2. The volume consists of 18 separate articles. 3. The journal contains 11 review articles. 4. Volumes I and II together contain 20 articles.

Ex. 29. Use consist (of) instead of contain where possible.

1. The volume contains 18 articles. 2. The text contains a number of minor errors. 3. My article contains four parts. 4. The book contains a careful account of work done in the United States in this field of science. 5. The paper my professor is going to read contains a description of work carried on in our laboratory. 6. The last part of my thesis contains references to other workers in this special branch of physics.

Ex. 30. Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Get him to give you detailed answers. Work in pairs.

1. How many chapters does the book you are reading consist of? 2. Do the chapters contain any summary? 3. Does the book contain any original data? 4. Does it contain any errors?

Ex. 31. Translate into English.

1. - Из скольких частей состоит Ваша диссертация?
- Из двух. В первой части содержится описание истории вопроса и метода исследования, а во второй - само исследование и его результаты.
2. - Из скольких статей состоит рецензируемый сборник?
- Из десяти.
- Ив каждой статье есть (содержатся) оригинальные данные?
- Да. В каждой статье много оригинальных данных.

Ex. 32. Answer the following questions about the book and the review given above (Text 1).

1. What is the title of the book under review? 2. Who edited the book? 3. Is the editor's name familiar to you? Is he a well-known editor? 4. Where and when was the book published? 5. Who is the book written for? 6. What is the purpose of the book? 7. Judging from the review, the book acquaints us with the latest Discoveries in science and technology. But according to the date of its publication some information is no longer up-to-date, is it? 8. Does the book contain any introductory part? 9. What subjects have been excluded? 10. The reviewer enumerated the subjects dealt with in the book. What are the last two included? 11. Which of these subjects are you well acquainted with? 12. Where did the articles originally appear? 13. Are you acquainted with the magazine? 14. In what country do almost all the contributors live and work? 15. Can you tell us how many articles the book consists of? 16. What can you say about the references made in the book? Are they complete, numerous or adequate? 17. Who is reference made to? 18. Under how many headings does the subject matter appear? 19. How is the book illustrated? 20. Do you think it'll be interesting and useful to you?

Ex. 33. Translate into English.

     Рецензируемый сборник Якутия в XVII веке вышел несколько лет тому назад в издательстве АН СССР под редакцией С. В. Бахрушина и С. А. Токарева. Цель книги - познакомить читателя с историей Якутии. Книга написана для специалистов-историков и для неспециалистов, интересующихся этим вопросом. Авторами статей сборника являются выдающийся специалист по истории Сибири, ныне покойный, член-корреспондент АН СССР С. В. Бахрушин, доктор исторических наук С. А.Токарев, профессор Н. Н. Степанов и молодые специалисты Р. Г. Сафронов и И. С. Гурвич. Все авторы из Советского Союза. В книге содержатся ссылки на работы других ученых.
Сборник состоит из шести глав.
     Первая глава под заголовком История открытия Якутии русскими в XVII веке написана С. В. Бахрушиным.
     Во второй главе содержится подробное описание общественного строя (social system) якутов и их культуры. Автор главы- С. А. Токарев. Последний параграф об общественном строе тунгусов написан Н. Н. Степановым.
Тема третьей главы - управление (the government) в Якутии.
     Глава четвертая знакомит нас с вопросами борьбы коренного населения (the natives) Якутии с царизмом. Она написана И. С. Гурвичем.
     В пятой главе содержатся очерки (essays) о различных категориях русского населения Сибири в XVII веке.
     Последняя, шестая глава, авторами которой являются С. В. Бахрушин и С. А. Токарев, посвящена теме влияния русской нации на развитие якутского народа. Книга написана с хорошим знанием материала, ясным стилем. Авторов можно поздравить с успехом их сборника.

Ex. 34. Speak about your own article. Mention its title, the time and the place of its publication, its subject and aim, the arrangement of the subject matter; speak about the list of references, and if possible, about the authors you refer to.

Ex. 35. Write about a book (an article or any other publication). The points to be covered:

1. The title of the book. 2. The time and the place of its publication. 3. The aim of the book. 4. The subject of the book. 5. For whom the book is written. 6. The author(s) of the book. 7. The list of references. 8. The arrangement of the subject matter. 9. The contents of each part. 10. The style and the way the book is illustrated. 11. Your own opinion about the value of the book.

Text 2

     By D. W. Hardie and J. Davidson Pratt, pp. XI+380. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1966, 218 NET.
     This book is timely and will be useful to students and those working in the chemical industry. However, it suffers from some defects which detract from its value. The first, for which the authors are not to blame, is careless proof-reading, so that far too many names have been misspelt which is unfortunate in a book of this kind. In the second place, there are some minor mistakes of fact: for example, the Bergius process was not worked out in Germany during the Great War but was developed during the mid 1920s; Bosch, not Haber, developed the ammonia synthesis in the works of Badische Anilin between 1909 and 1913. More serious is the omission of fertilizer manufacture, which represents one of the largest branches of the chemical industry; the brief reference to its nineteenth-century background is also inadequate. The review of man-made fibres (especially nylon) is much too short, and in no way reflects their role in the British textile industry.
     In general, however, the detailed account of the modern chemical industry in Chapter III is useful, and the summarized particulars of almost 200 companies are an interesting and valuable source of ready information.
L. F. Haber (Endeavour, vol. XXVI, N 97, January 1967)


Ex. 1. Read the following sentences aloud and translate them into Russian, paying special attention to the parts in italics.

1. This book will be useful to those working in the chemical industry. 2. The book suffers from some defects which detract from its value. 3. The first, for which the authors are not to blame, is careless proof-reading. 4. Far too many names have been misspelt which is unfortunate in a book of this kind. 5. In the second place, there are some minor mistakes of fact. 6. Bosch developed the ammonia synthesis in the works of Badische Anilin. 7. The brief reference to the nineteenth-century background is also inadequate. 8. The review of man-made fibres is much too short, and in no way reflects their role in the British textile industry. 9. In general, however, the detailed account of the modern chemical industry is useful. 10. The summarized particulars of almost 200 companies are an interesting and valuable source of ready information.

Ex. 2. Confirm the statements. Follow the model. Work in pairs.

1. The first chapter discusses the thermodynamic principles, am I right?
2. Yes, indeed. Chapter one discusses the thermodynamic principles.

1. The second chapter deals with the methods, doesn't it? 2. Such factors are incorporated in the third chapter, aren't they? 3. The detailed account of the modern chemical industry in the fifth chapter is useful, isn't it? 4. The seventh article of the volume is concerned with the basic problems of adaptive behaviou. Right? 5. The eighth paragraph gives consideration to the refinements of such a mechanism, doesn't it? 6. In the ninth chapter the author gives an accurate description of co-enzymes. Is that so? 7. The tenth paper is unfortunately a very short one, isn't it?

Ex. 3. Discuss the book your fellow-student has brought to class. Follow the model. Work in pairs.

1. As far as I understand, this book provides (contains) useful (vast, valuable important) information. Right?
2. Yes, The information given in the book is useful (vast, etc.). However, sometimes it is too specialized (thorough, detailed, out-of-date), in my opinion.

1. Can you give us any examples?
2. Yes. For instance, the information about . . . is too specialized (thorough, detailed, out-of-date), because . . . .

Ex. 4. Insert the definite article where necessary.

1. . . . information is thoroughly up-to-date. 2. Other chapters provide a wealth of . . . specialized information. 3. The book aims to provide students with . . . information about the fine structure of various cells. 4. The handbook succeeds in compressing a vast amount of . . . information. 5. The book contains an extremely large amount of . . . useful information. 6. The summarized particulars of almost 200 companies are an interesting and valuable source of . . . ready information. 7. . . . information given by the author is extremely useful.

Ex. 5. Find out when the book was written (published, edited, appeared). Note that the definite article is used in the phrases: in the early (mid, late) 4- year. Work in pairs.

1. Can you tell me when the book you are reading appeared?
2. Let me see (looking at the page where the date of the publication is indicated). It was published by . . . (Academic Press) in . . . (e. g.: 1971).
1. So it appeared in the early 1970s. Were there other publications of the book?
2. (looking at the same page) As I see, the second edition was published in . . . (1975), in the mid 70s, and the third publication appeared in . . . (1978), in the late 70s.
Use this model to discuss all the books brought to class by the students.

Ex. 6. Discuss the subject matter of the book (article). Work in pairs. Use: one of the . . . ; none of the . . . ; many of the . . . ,' much of the . . . ; few of the . . . ; some of the . . . .

1. Can I ask you this: what subjects are dealt with in the book?
2. One of the subjects the author deals with is . . . .
1. And what about other problems?
2. Some (many, a few) of the problems the author is trying to solve are (no longer) in╛teresting.
1. Can you name one (some) of the problems?
2. For instance, . . . .
1. And what about the presentation of the material?
2. Some (much) of the material is not presented clearly (or: clearly, briefly, at length, erroneously, with errors). And (though, however) some of the important facts (details) have been omitted (included, described).
1. Does the book deal with subjects that are already out-of-date (or: . . . that are thoroughly up-to-date)? Do you mean that?
2. Yes (or: exactly, definitely, of course.). Some of the subjects are quite out-of-date now (or: By no means. Some of the subjects are thoroughly up-to-date).

Ex. 7. Insert articles where necessary.

This book is one of . . . Frontiers in Physics series. There are a few errors in it, . . . most serious one is . . . description of the Bergius process, which was worked in . . . Germany in . . . mid 1920s. . .. Chapter V gives . . . detailed account of . . . modern chemical industry. This and . . . particulars about almost 200 companies are . . . interesting source of . . . ready information.

Ex. 8. Your fellow-student has read a book. Find out to whom it is useful (interesting, important, valuable). Work in pairs.

1. Do you think the book may (will) be valuable to those familiar with the subject? (name the subject).
2. Yes. Professional researchers working in the field of . . . may find the book useful. But (however, though) it may be also (or:not) interesting to those approaching the subject for the first time.

Use also: the general scientific reader; those not familiar with the subject; those studying the subject.
Ex. 9. Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Get him to give you the answers using the prompts given in brackets.

1. Who is to blame for these defects? (the authors).
2. The authors are to blame for these defects.

1. Who is to blame for the minor errors? (the editor, the printer). 2. What is the author to blame for? (the inadequate references, the out-of-date information). 3. What is the corrector to blame for? (careless proof-reading, a large amounts of misprints).

Ex. 10. Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Get him to give you short answers. Work in pairs.

1. Who is to blame for careless proof-reading?
2. The proof-reader is.

1. Who is to blame for mistakes of fact? 2. Who is to blame for erroneous information in the book? 3. Who is to blame for misprints?

Ex. 11. Respond to the statements as in the model. Work in pairs.

1. I understand that one of the drawbacks of the book is careless proof-reading.
2. Yes (Yes, indeed. You are right. I agree, etc.). The book suffers from careless proof-reading.

1. I see that one of the drawbacks of the article is the misspelling of some names. 2. I think that one of the shortcomings of the thesis is the inadequate refe╛rences. 3. I believe that the limitations of the volume are some mistakes of facts. 4. I am afraid that the disadvantage of the paper is the omission of some factual material.

Ex. 12. Discuss the defects of some book. Work in pairs.

1. The book suffers from some defects, doesn't it?
2. Yes. Like in many books, there some deplorable defects in this book as well.

1. What are they?
2. . . .(having looked through some book at home, the student is giving examples of some mistakes, indicating the pages).

Ex. 13. Listen to the text and answer the questions.

The book under review will prove useful to most of those working in the chemical industry. However, it suffers from a number of defects. One of them is careless proof-reading, but the authors are not to blame for this. In general, the book provides a wealth of detailed information about the particulars of almost 200 companies in the modern chemical industry.

Comprehensive check

1. To whom will the book prove useful? 2. What defects does it suffer from?

Ex. 14. Speak about the book you are reading (have read or looked through). Use the text of ex. 13 as a model.

Ex. 15. Make up sentences using these tables read them aloud and translate them into Russian.


The Autor
The Book gives
presents a detailed
scientific account of. . .
discription of. . .


The account of
The description of the topic
research work
results is useful
elegant important praiseworthy one of the central features of the book

Ex. 16. Using the tables given above (ex. 15) make up sentences concerning the book you are going to discuss.

1. H. Mark, the author of the article, gives a detailed account of structures and properties of cellulose fibres.
2. The book presents a comprehensive description of cellulose and cellulose derivatives.
3. The account of the chemical nature of cellulose and its derivatives is one of the central features of the book.

Ex. 17. Support the statements as in the model. Use: an account is given (presented, provided). Work in pairs.

1. So far as this book is concerned, basic physical principles are explained.
2. You are absolutely right. An account is given of basic physical principles.
1.As far as this article is concerned, all the constructions are clearly explained.2.So far as this chapter is concerned, the method is described.3. So far as the introductory chapter is concerned, the author describes and discusses the recent developments in physics. 4. As far as the first chapter is concerned, the author describes the achievements and aims of space science.

Ex. 18. Ask your fellow-student the following questions Get him to give you detailed answers. Work in pairs.

1. Which part of your thesis (paper, the book you are reading) contains an introductory account of the theory? 2. Which section of your thesis (article, the book you are reading) presents a detailed account of the experimental results? 3. In whose work can you find a comprehensive and authoritative account of the problem you are interested in?

Ex. 19. Translate into English.

     Model: В книге дается подробное описание метода исследования.
The book presents (gives, provides) a detailed account of the method of the investigation.

1. В третьей главе дается тщательное описание эксперимента. 2. В первой главе содержится вводное описание вопросов теории. 3. В последней главе приводится краткое описание экспериментальных результатов. 4. В разделе Обсуждение дается всестороннее описание основных направлений работы. 5. В статье содержится авторитетное описание истории исследования. 6. В докладе не приводится подробного описания отдельных отраслей современной химической промышленности.

Ex. 20. Give the Russian equivalents of the sentences below ray attention to the words in italics.

1. The second part of the article covers the subject in detail. 2. Practical details are mentioned. 3. The detailed study of this subject is useful. 4. This part is too detailed for most readers.

Ex. 21. Find out whether or not the information presented in the book is detailed. Work in pairs, speak about the books (articles, etc.) you are reading or have just read or looked through.

1. My question is: Does the article cover the subject in detail?
2. Yes. In general the author presents a detailed study of the problem (name the problem). However, it should be admitted that some (practical) details have been neglected (omitted).
1. Such as?
2. Such as . . . (experimental results, methods of preparation, calculations, experimental procedure, etc.).

Ex. 22. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the words in italics.

1. This book will be valuable to advanced students.
2. This book will be invaluable to advanced students.
3. This book will be of value to advanced students.

Ex. 23. Try to estimate the value of the book. Work in pairs.

1. I wonder if the book you are going to discuss is of any value?
2. It certainly is. The book is (makes) a valuable contribution to . . . (physical, mathematical, biological, etc.) literature. Or: I'm afraid it will be of little value, as the book makes little contribution to . . . literature.
1. (in the case of the positive answer) To whom will it be useful?
2. I think it will be invaluable to . . . (advanced students of . . .; research workers concerned with . . .; those working in the field of . . ., all workers in the field of . . .; those approaching the subject for the first time).
1. What part is of particular value?
2. The one devoted to . . . . However, in my opinion, the part dealing with . . . is of little practical value.
1. Why?
2. Because . . . .

Ex. 24. Translate into Russian paying attention to the word background.

1. The book is addressed to the general scientific reader with engineering and mathematical background. 2. The references provide an excellent background for understanding this phenomenon. 3. The section contains background material on the basic theory. 4, The reader needs a good background knowledge of the topic. 5. The brief references to the nineteenth-century background of the chemical industry are inadequate.

Ex. 25. Translate into Russian.

1. To give (to provide) a critical review of the subject. 2. To review the subject. 3. An inclusive review of the problem. 4. A review journal. 5. The reviewed article. 6. The book under review. 7. A review chapter. 8. The reviewer.

Ex. 26. Agree with the statements as in the model. Work in pairs.


1. If I'm not mistaken, the book provides an excellent review of the subject.
2. You are quite right. The subject is excellently reviewed in the book.

1. If I'm not mistaken, there are critical reviews on two new areas of research. 2. I believe the volume gives a critical review of the subject. 3. To my mind, the articles provide a short review of advances made in the field. 4. I think, the book gives an excellent review of the topic. 5. If I'm not mistaken, the journal provides an excessive review of the subject.


1. Is it right to say that the reviewed book is an interesting and valuable source of ready information?
2. That's just what I wanted to say. The book under review is an interesting and valuable source of ready information.
1. Is it correct to say that the reviewed book is timely and will be useful to students and those working in the chemical industry? 7. Is it light to say that the reviewed book suffers from some defects? 8. Is it right that the reviewed article is authoritative and of a very high standard? 9. Is it correct to say that the reviewed article contains a summary and a section recommending further reading? 10. Is it right that the reviewed article originally appeared in the magazine Endeavour? 11. Is it correct that the reviewed articles represent papers given at the Agricultural University? 12. Is it right that the reviewed articles cover the theory of electronic and quantummechanical aspects of proteins?

Ex. 27. Discuss the book your fellow-student has brought to class. Follow the model. Work in pairs.

1. Speaking about the review of the subject dealt with in the book, do you think it is complete?
Use also: excellent, short, (inadequate, (in)valuable, inclusive.
2. Your question is not easy to answer. It seems to me, the review of . . . (name one of the subject) is rather too short. As for the review of . . . (another subject), it is rather inclusive (or any other adjective).

Ex. 28. Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Get him to give you detailed answers. Work in pairs.

1. Who is the reviewer of the above article? 2. What is the work the reviewer does? 3. Have you ever acted as a reviewer? 4. What sort of journals are called review journals? 5. What review journals do you know? 6. What sort of chapters (articles) are called review chapters (articles)? 7. Do you have to write a review chapter for your thesis? 8. What adjectives can be used with the noun review?

Ex. 29. Explain the meaning of represent and present

1. Phonetic signs represent sounds. Phonetic signs symbolize (correspond, stand for) sounds.
2. The essay presents the author's ideas. The essay brings forward (shows, exhibits, reveals) the author's ideas.
1. The articles represent work done in Japan. 2. The book is well presented, with useful bibliography to each chapter. 3. The articles represent the papers given in Oxford University. 4. These articles present reliable data. 5. Fertilizer manufacture represents one of the largest branches of the chemical industry.

Ex. 30. Agree with the statement as in the model. Use present or represent instead of the words given in italics.

1. The author emphasizes the advantages afforded by enzymes, doesn't he?
2. Yes, indeed. That is just what I wanted to stress. The author emphasizes the advantages presented by enzymes.

1. The second chapter deals with methods explaining the chemical composition of various compounds, doesn't it? 2. The work gives valuable results, doesn't it? 3. The volumes contain articles which describe work done in this field.

Ex. 31. Translate into English.

1. Эта статья представляет интересные данные. 2. Эта статья представляет собой интересную трактовку данной проблемы. 3. Эта книга представляет интересный обзор данной темы. 4. Эта книга представляет собой ценный вклад в науку. 5. Этот журнал представляет ряд статей на данную тему. 6. Этот том представляет собой сборник статей на данную тему.

Ex. 32. Talking about a publication containing some defects, start a statement with It is very unfortunate that . Use the prompts.

Prompt: Far too many names have been misspelt.
Example: It is very unfortunate that far too many names have been misspelt.
Prompts: There are some minor mistakes of facts.
The brief references are also inadequate.
The review of man-made fibres is rather too short.
Proof-reading was done carelessly. Some important facts were omitted. The volume is already out-of-date.
The method of the investigation is not presented.
The lecture is a short one.

Ex. 33. Talking about a publication, respond to the statement. Use It is fortunate; Fortunately; or It is unfortunate; Unfortunately.

     Model: Prompt: Much of the material is already out-of-date.
Response: It is unfortunate that much of the material is already out-of-date.
Prompt: The papers were promptly published.
Response: Fortunately, the papers were promptly published.

1. Much of the material presented is extremely up-to-date. 2. There are some mistakes of fact. 3. Reference has been made up to this year. 4. Proof-reading has been done without due care. 5. Much attention is given to describing the methods of the investigation.. 6. The reader is introduced to the old-time procedure. 7. The introductory part is much too short. 8. Some names are misspelt. 9. The author succeeded in providing a large amount of useful information. 10. The illustrations are well chosen and excellently reproduced.

Ex. 34. Talking about a publication which contains some defects, respond to the statement as in the model. Work in pairs.

1. You say that there are some drawbacks in the book.
2. Yes. I think, however, that in spite of these drawbacks the book is timely and useful to . . . (those working in the field of . . .;professional scientists in the field of . . .; students of . . .).
1. Why?
2. Because in spite of these shortcomings the book provides a large amount of useful information on . . . .
1. Can you quote some of the minor defects?
2. Yes. One of the defects is . . . (careless proof-reading). See page . . . . Or: I'm afraid I can't do it at the moment. It'll take much time to look through the book.

Ex. 35. Disagree to the statements below using some of the introductory phrases: I am afraid you arc wrong; I am afraid you are mistaken; just the reverse; on the contrary.

1. As far as I could gather from the text, the book has no defects.
2. I am afraid you are wrong, the book suffers from a number of defects. Or: I am afraid you are mistaken, there are a lot of drawbacks in the book. Or: Just the reverse, there are many shortcomings in the book.

1. As far as I could gather from the review, proofreading was done with due care. 2. Judging by the review, there are no mistakes of fact. 3. As far as the review goes, the numerous references are always adequate. 4. According to the reviewer, there is a detailed information about nylon. 5. As far as I could get from the review, the book is not timely.

Ex. 36. Look through Text 2 (pags 132-133) once again and answer the following questions.

1. What is the title of the reviewed book? 2. Who are the authors of the book under review? 3. What is the name of the reviewer? 4.When and where was the book published? 5. How much does it cost? 6. In what volume and number of what journal was the review published? 7. Who will the book prove useful to, according to the reviewer? 8. What defects does it suffer from? 9. Are the authors to blame for careless proof-reading? Who are to blame for this? 10. What has been the result of careless proof-reading? 11. Give some examples of minor mistakes of fact. 12,What mistakes can be considered as more serious ones? 13. Which chapter is to be considered especially useful? What is its subject? 14. Why else is the book to be considered an interesting and valuable source of ready information?

Ex. 37. Speak about a book (an article) you have recently read. Use the following questions as a guide for your talk.

1. What book have you recently read? 2. Who is the author of the book? 3. Who edited the book? 4. Where and when. was it published? 5. Is this its first edition? What edition is if? 6. What does the subject of investigation include? 7. What do different chapters (or articles) deal with? 8. How many chapters (articles) does the book consist of? 9. What is given much (little) attention to? 10. Are there any drawbacks in the book? What are they, if there are any? 11. How is the material illustrated? 12. What can you say about the style of the book? 13. Who is the book addressed to? 14. What is of particular interest in it? 15. What does the book begin (end) with? 16. What is the purpose of the book? 17. Who do you think this Kook will be useful to?

Ex. 38. Speak about your own publications. Use the following questions as a guide for your talk.

1. What is the subject of your thesis? 2. Have you already published any articles? 3. Where and when did you publish them? 4. What are the titles of your published papers? 5. What problems do you deal with in those papers? 6. What are you going to prove in the course of your research? 7. Is there much or little material published on the subject of your investigation? 8. Who are your published papers addressed to? 9. What do you give much (little) attention to in your published papers? 10. What is of particular interest in your papers? 11. What have you succeeded in showing? 12. What did you fail to show? 13. How many parts does your paper consist of? 14. Are there any shortcomings in your paper, do you think? What are they? 15 How did you begin (finish) your paper? 16. What is the purpose of your paper? 17. What do you treat in your introductory part? 18. What do you say in conclusion?


(to be used in discussing a scientific publication)

1. The book (volume, handbook, text-book, article, essay) to be discussed is . . . The discussed book (volume, etc.) is . . .
2. The articles represent papers (reports) given at the conference.
3. The author (editor, publisher) of the book is . . . The contributor of the journal (magazine) is . . .
4. The book was published (edited) in 19. . .The article originally appeared in (the Soviet Union; in Rus╛sian, in a journal).
5. The author is a well-known (distinguished, outstanding) scientist in the field of . . . The author is a Nobel prize winner (State prize winner, Lenin prize winner).
6. The title (name) of the book is . . . The heading of the chapter (section, part) is . . . The headline (title, name, heading) of the newspaper article is . . .
7. The book consists of . . . (10) chapters (sections, parts, articles, contributions). The book contains (includes, falls into) . . . (3) parts.
8. The book contains a summary (a treatment of . . ., a list of references, a large amount of useful information).
9. The book is addressed to scientific workers (professional scientists, interested laymen, undergraduates, post-graduates, those working in the field of . . ., those studying the problems of . . ., those familiar with the field of . . ., those approaching the problems of . . .). The book is written for researchers.
10. Reference is made to workers (works) in
11. The subject of the book is . . . (includes . . ., is reviewed, is covered).The topic (theme) of the book is . . . The topic of the research (investigation, thesis) is . . .
12. The subject matter of the book relates to (includes, is devoted to) . . . The subject matter of the book falls into two parts.
13. The book (the author) discusses (deals with, is concerned with, covers, considers, gives consideration to, describes, gives an accurate description of, outlines, emphasizes, places emphasis on) the problem of . . .
14. The book provides the reader with some data on . . . (some material on . . ., some information on . . ., an introduction to . . ., a discussion of . . ., a treatment of . . ., a study of . . ., a summary of . . ., some details on . . ., a useful bibliography, a list (set) of references, key references).
15. A careful account is given of . . . A detailed description is given of I the theory (problem, A thorough description is given of | method)' of. . . Much attention is given to . . . Little attention is given to . . .
16. Of: particular (special, great, little) interest is the method of . . . Of particular interest is the theory (discussion, treatment) of . . .
17. Of great (little) importance is the method of ..
18. It is notable (noteworthy, praiseworthy, fortunate, unfortunate, a mistake, a slight disappointment, to the author's credit) that . . ,
19. The author has succeeded in showing (providing, presenting) the results of . . .
20. The author failed to show (to exhibit, to provide, to present, to give an account of, to direct our attention to . . .
21. The author (editor, publisher, proof-reader is to blame for the drawbacks in the book. The book suffers from some mistakes (errors, limitations, shortcoming, careless proof-reading).
22. In spite of these drawbacks the book is а useful reference work (a valuable source of ready information). In spite of these drawbacks the book was useful to (helpful to)
23. The book begins with а discussion of (chapter on, introduction to, introductory discussion of . . . The book begins with introductory notes (remarks).
24. The book ends with a discussion of . . .
25. In concision (in summary, summarizing) the author┘
26. The purpose (aim, object) of the book is to provide . . .
27. The book aims to provide (acquaint, present, -,how) . . .
28. The book is profusely (poorly) illustrated with diagrams (tables, colour plates, photographs, sketches).
29. The author (editor) is to be congratulated on the success of the book (the timeliness of the book, producing this book).

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