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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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DOI: 10.25205/2312-6337 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84783
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Yazyki i Fol’klor Korennykh Narodov Sibiri (Languages and Folklore of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia) | |
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ArticleName: Non-fairytale prose in the Selkup folklore: legends and little heroic epic ballades Authors: N. A. Tuchkova In the section Повествовательный фольклор
Abstract: The article deals with the genre variety of the Selkup folklore and gives a detailed analysis of one of its classification groups – legends. Within this genre the author distinguishes historical legends, shamanic legends and memorats. The toponymical and genealogical legends stand out as a part of the historical legend genre. In the course of the study of the samples of the texts belonging to the group of the historical legends the fact of their weak representation in the main fund of the Selkup folklore was established. The absence of the representative number of texts of the historical legends different in genres and qualitatively as well as reliably recorded in the Selkup language does not allow to carry out the direct historical research based on the Selkup folklore material. However, in the course of the study of the samples of the texts of this genre, the author reveals a set of major historical events represented in the Selkup folklore: the arrival of a small group of the Selkup people to the Taz river, of which only four men with their wives survived with God’s help; the foundation of some stationary Selkup settlements (yurts); the struggle between Selkups and Nenets (Yurak people) on that new territory (especially the insidious methods of that struggle are marked); the death of the Selkup kinglet because of the betrayal of his son during the period of es-tablishment of the Russian administration in the Ket river; restoring of the peace between the warring left- and right-bank groups of Selkups on the Ob river in the area of Ivankin Yurt. In addition, the following set of the typical Selkup mythologems, which give a folk appearance to the descriptions of the historical events, was revealed: the God’s gift of abundance to the new settlers (abundance of fish/ barrel of gold); the hidden gold, which disappears when it is touched by treasure hunters; the threat of returning of a great enmity in case when someone starts to dig the grave of the prince. It is also established that the set of the shamanistic legends (stories about the competition of the famous Selkup shamans with each other in their shamanic powers) is small in number, but it is a very noticeable and independent genre subgroup. A group of the memorats (“bylichki”) are presented by the stories-memoirs and the retellings of the events their par-ticipant being someone of the family or friends of the narrator. Their plots are dedicated to the meeting of people with the spirits - the objects of the beliefs: maʥil’ lↄ – "forest master", č ’ lgup – "forest girl (mistress)", qβↄli-koʑar – fish-mammoth, and "devils" (lↄz) and dead men (lↄ r). Such stories usually describe in detail how a person should behave in order not to offend the spirit. Keywords: Selkups, folklore, genre classification, legends, memorats (bylichki) Bibliography: Головнёв А.В. Говорящие культуры: традиции самодийцев и угров. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН, 1995. 606 с. Доннер К. Самоедский эпос // Труды томского общества изучения Сибири. Томск, 1915. Т. 3. Вып. 1. С. 38–53. Дульзон А.П. Кетские сказки. Томск, 1966. (на кет., селькуп. и рус. яз.) Дульзон А.П. Археологические памятники Томской области // Труды ТОКМ. Томск, 1956. Т. 5. С. 89–316. Путешествие Александра Кастрена по Лапландии, Северной России и Сибири (1838–1844 и 1845–1849) // Магазин землеведения и путешествий. Собрание старых и новых путешествий. 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