Table of Content of Issue 1, 2008
Study of folklore Tatiana V. Krayushkina
The motives "to be dressed and to be provided with shoes" are presented as special states of a hero in Russian folk fairy tales: the link between the dress motives and the motive of getting married (based on the folklore of Siberia and the Far East)
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Elena L. Tikhonova
The reflection of the ancient orthodoxy concept in the oral historic prose of Transbaikal (Zabaikalie) old-believers (semeisky)
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Study of literature Faina Z. Kanunova
The problem of dialogues in V.A. Zhukovsky's translations (from German)
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Eugenia S. Isotova
Dream reflection in the lyrics of Lermontov and Tyutchev
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Valentina I. Gabdullina
The periodicity problem of F.M. Dostoevsky's creative work: the experiment of reinterpretation
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Oleg A. Kovalyev
Focusing as a possible term in narratology (on the material of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Karamazov brothers")
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Marina A. Pianzina
The motive of dream in I.A. Bunin's creative work
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Irina B. Kondrashina
The motive of touching in Zinaida Gippius' lyrics of 1889-1918 years
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Elena V. Mischenko
The biblical theme in Joseph Brodsky's lyrics
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Оlga А. Skybach
History rivers: on the typology of time sense in the literature at the turn of the centuries and in the Soviet art of the 1920s -1930s years
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Marina A. Khatyamova
The culture preserving semantics of the structure "text in text" in the story "The accompanist" by N.N. Berberova
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Bulat B. Shoinzhonov
The religious-cult world in the buriat prose: mytho-poetic traditions
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Linguistics Natalya V. Ostrovskaya
The meaning and function of aorist and imperfect forms in the text of Peter-Elizabeth Bible compared to the same forms of Ostrozhskaya Bible
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Tatiana Yu. Ignatovitch
The history of studying Eastern Zabaikalie dialects
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Olga P. Fesenko
Phraseological pun in the letters of friends in the first part of the 19th centur
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Elena V. Evdokimova
Periphrasis of proverbs and sayings in the lingua-cultural aspect
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Dmitrij V. Kuznetsov
Grammar category of time in the lingua-personological aspect: interpretation models (on the material of the Russian language)
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Natalya L. Oguretchnikova
Articles and modality of the English utterance
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Lidia G. Kim, Nikolai D. Golev
On the relationship of an addressee, author and text in the paradigm of linguistic interpretationism
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Tashlykova M.B.
The essential against the accidental in the semantic structure of the verbs: случаться/случиться (happen)
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Emily A. Makarova
Lexical representation of the color concept from the dictionary - to the text
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Natalia E. Nikonova
The interlinear translation of a poetic text: history, typology and its role in the intercultural communication
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Matrena D. Kulitchkina
The verbs characterizing the speech activity of a person in the modern Yakut language
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Elena P. Matveeva
The semantic structure of the verb бил-"know" in the Yakut language (compared to the altai verb бил-"know")
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Review Elena N. Proskurina
The genre perception of myth in the prose of A. Platonov and L.V. Yaroshenko. The genre of a novel-myth in the creative work of A. Platonov. Grodno, 2004
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Tatiana I. Kovaleva
Review on the book by A.V. Pigin. Visions in Old Russian Literature
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Scientific life A.V. Morozova , Natalia V. Pantchenko, Alexei A. Tchuvakin
The defenses of theses in the dissertation council D 212.005.01 at Altai State University in 2006
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Tatiana I. Kovaleva, Natalia A. Nepomnyashchikh
International Science Conference “Narrative traditions of Slavic literature”, 2006
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Larisa G. Ephanova
New facts in studying a text and linguistic personality: the review of the proceedings at the 5th Russian scientific conference with foreign participants (26-27 October 2007)
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