Table of Content of Issue 4, 2006
Study of folklore Konstantin A. Sagalaev
Ritual folklore of the northern Khanty as an object of visual fixation
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Nadezhda S. Chistobaeva
Specificity of the stable places of the heroic epic of the Khakas (on the example of the description of the bogatyr's duel)
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L. K. Achitaeva
Lexical composition of Khakass proverbs and sayings
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Nadezhda R. Baizhanova
About the variation of Altaic paremics in discourse
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Yuliya V. Limorenko
Folklore in a bilingual scientific publication (on the material of the publications of the Evenk folklore)
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Olga V. Fedyukova
Mythology in literary work (on the example of analysis of German Romantics’ works)
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Study of literature Ekaterina G. Nikolaeva
The theme of orphanhood in «Netochka Nezvanova» be F.M. Dostoevsky
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Artem S. Zhilyakov
Poetics of the image of the sun in A.M. Remizov’s collection of fairy tales «Posolon»
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«Zamyatin’s text» in L.M. Leonov’s works: the story «Evgenia Ivanovna»
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M. P. Antonova
The subject modalities in the Strugatsky’s fantastic as a reflection of the connection with folklore
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Elena N. Vagner, Vyacheslav V. Desyatov
Nomen est omen: anthroponyms in V. Pelevin’s novels
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Linguistics Anastasiya V. Moreva
Duel challenge in manuscripts of Middle High German
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Yuliya N. Bolotina
On homonymy of models of elementary simple sentences in Russian language (as exemplified by sentences of location and moving with structural pattern N1 VF N4 (N5))
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Elena S. Kuznetsova
Actional model of instrumental physical coercion and its variants with split position of object
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Faina K. Kolpashchikova
Public and individual in Russian verbalization of emotions
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Yuriy V. Krylov
Status of words “anger”/“spite” in the semantic field of emotions
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Vitaliy V. Rozhkov
Comparative analysis of fragments of average and author’s individual worldviews (a case study of lexicographic sources and works of A. and B. Strugatskiys)
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Valentina S. Barys-Khoo
Semantics of the verb үН='to go up' in modern Tuvinian language
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Albina A. Dobrinina
Synonimic row of adjectives with dominant JALAKAY in modern Altay language
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A N. Gerasimova
Modus-dictum constructions and arrangement of unreal mode meanings in Nanay language
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Erkey T. Tokhnina
On functions of auxiliary verb IY= as part of analytic construction (a case study of Altay language)
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Scientific life Zoya I. Rezanova
On N. D. Golev’s anniversary
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