Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 1, 2006

Study of literature

Tatyana I. Kovaleva
Structural and semantic features of visions in the «Word about the creation of the church ...» in the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon
In detail

Natalya S. Sushlyakova
«Thoughts and remarks» in the Russian prose of the first third of the XIX century: the formulation of the problem of «intermediate genre»
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Yuriy V. Podkovyrin
Appearance of heroes in the value-semantic structure of I.A. Bunin’s series «The dark alley»
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Sergey R. Smirnov
Vampilov's hero on the «rendezvous»: to the problem of psycho-poetics in A. Vampilov’s plays
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Galina V. Kukueva
Author strategy as one of the bases of typological description of V.M. Shukshin’s stories
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Marina A. Bologova
Konstantin Vaginov «Goat song»: poetics of solitaire and (from) catalog
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Elena V. Sergeyeva
Universal concept and artistic concept: the problem of classification
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Zoya I. Rezanova, Natalya A. Mishankina
Interpretive potential of new linguistic objects (on the material of internet communication)
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Natalya V. Khalina
The reality in the Russian language of the XIX - beginning of XXI centuries
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Natalya A. Antropova
The relation of the various ways and means of word formation in the field of German spoken substantive vocabulary
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Nikolay R. Skalon
A. P. Kazankin. Russian literary criticism of the XX century. Publishing House of Tomsk State University, 2004
In detail

Scientific life

Chuvakin A.A.

In detail

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