Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Table of Content of Issue 4, 2007

Study of folklore

Vera S. Kuznetsova
Legends about the salvation of the infant Christ in the Russian folklore «Bible»: salvation in the furnace (Russian Siberian notes on the all-Russian background)
In detail

Study of literature

Svetlana N. Kolesova
K.N. Batyushkov's elegy «Friendship» and its сontext
In detail

Evgeniya Yu. Safatova
Prayer discourse in the context of «Travelling to Holy Places in 1830» by A.N. Muravyov
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Dmitriy V. Dolgushin
Once again about the patristic motives in «The overcoat» by N.V. Gogol
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Natalya L. Zelyanskaya
The basic semiotic tendencies of prose of the 40-s of the XIX century
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Elena A. Makarova
The formation of V.G. Korolenko’s religious-philosophical position (on the material of diary-epistolary prose)
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Tatyana V. Savina
The theme of immortality in «The secluded» by V. Rozanov (V.V. Rozanov and F.E. Shperk)
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Marina A. Hatyamova
The peculiarity of B.K. Zaitsev’s personal narrative
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Denis V. Makarov
The Kingdom of Heaven in E. Zamyatin’s trilogy about revolutionary Petrograd
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Vladimir S. Fedorov
The phenomenon of «Faust’s Moscow» in Andrei Platonov’s metaphysics
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Evgeniya N. Rogova
«Counterpoint of styles» in contemporary art. Stylistic codes in the novel of postmodernism (on the example of the novel «The novel» by V. Sorokin)
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Ekaterina E. Barinova
Metatext in N. Baytov’s work «Non-X»
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Yuliya S. Lobanova
The anthropological basis of language nomination of spatial features (on the material of the adjectives of the English language)
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Marina V. Milovanova
The semantics of verbs in the aspect of the reflection of characteristics of the modeling of possessive relations in the Russian language (in comparison with the German language)
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Natalya V. Panchenko
The range of elements of composition of the text (on the material of Russian prose of the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century)
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I. A. Shabanova
Description of the exterior of a person: linguistic-methodological aspect
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Dmitry V. Maryin
Artificial languages as a model in the process of linguistic research
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Aleksandr G. Antipov
Tomsk school of dialectology: A historiographical essay. Ed. O. I. Blinova. Tomsk, Publishing House of the Tomsk Univ, 2006.
In detail

Svetlana V. Chernova
N. S. Bolotnova. Philological analysis of text: textbook for students of Higher pedagogical educational institutions. 2nd ed. Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk State Ped. Univ, 2006.
In detail

Ludmila .P. Yakimova
V. I. Khrulev. Artistic thought of Leonid Leonov. Ufa, 2005.
In detail

Scientific life

Kiselev V.S.

In detail

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