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Name: Review of the book by Nikonova N.E. «V.A. Zhukovsky and his German friends: New data on the Russian-German cross-cultural contacts in the first half of the 19th century». Tomsk, Tomsk State University Publishing House, 2012. 336 p.

Authors: Kovalyov Pyotr Aleksandrovich

Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 4, 2013Pages 241-244
UDK: 82.091DOI:

Abstract: In the book review it is recognized that the work by N.Y. Nikonova is focused on the topical issue of modern philology: preservation and academic registration of significant literary works. It iss for the first time that the letters of V.A. Zhukovsky and his German correspondents have been published, the latter including literati, scientists, public figures and the royal family members. Among them one will find K. von Seidlitz, brothers Franz and Apollon von Maltitz, the Adelungs (father and son), Weimar’s chancellor F. von Mueller, J. Kerner and H.A. Tiedge, K.A. Varnhagen von Ense and W. von Chezy, the Nazarean artists, A. von Humboldt and others. This material was gathered in Russian and European archives. This fundamental research has resulted in drawing a comprehensive image of the Russian and European cross-cultural transfer and in revealing some unknown facts of Zhukovsky’s biography as a writer.

Keywords: n.y. nikonova, scientific monograph, v.a. zhukovsky


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