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Name: The concept of beauty in Boris Pasternak’s art and philosophy system

Authors: Briukhanova Yulia Mikhailovna

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 2, 2013Pages 141-148
UDK: 821.161.DOI:

Abstract: The category of beauty as one of aesthetic categories is a universal coordinate system representing a framework of many aesthetic paradigms. It is not the leading category in Boris Pasternak’s works, but the analysis of this category makes it possible to conceptualize the poet’s art and philosophy system and demonstrate the depth of the correlation between the ideas of the philosophy of life and the categories of beauty and of the beautiful. The source of beauty, according to Pasternak, is life itself, its energy, «strength». That is why beauty just as life is of ambivalent character. However, springing from the source of life energy, beauty in itself may not always have sufficient vital creative potential. Due to the realization / non-realization of creative potential there arises the antinomy of «forming» and «formed» beauty, which is corroborated by the analysis of the image system of Boris Pasternak’s poetry and prose.

Keywords: russian literature, boris pasternak, category of the beautiful, category of beauty, philosophy of life


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