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Name: On the phenomenon of the linguistic behaviour of shamans-Tuvinians of Mongolia

Authors: Bavuu-Syuryun Mira Viktorovna

Tuva State University, Kyzyl, Russian Federation

In the section Scientific life

Issue 1, 2013Pages 238-241
UDK: 811.512DOI:

Abstract: During the expeditions in Mongolia for the collection of linguistic material the team observed an unusual verbal behaviour of the shamans-Tuvinians. In one case, a shaman, with a knowledge of several languages in an ordinary speech situation, during a shamanistic ritual spoke and led the talk only in a dialect. In another case, a shaman, who knows and uses only the Mongolian language in his everyday speech practice, during the rituals talked to come to his guests in a dialectal form of the Tuvinian language. The change of language codes during a ritual occurs in such a state of consciousness, when the shaman himself does not control the speech situation, i.e. his consciousness is independent of his will.

Keywords: multilingualism, language of shamans, linguistic behaviour change of language codes, speech practice


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