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Name: Heterogeneity of the image-symbol of the dragon in the German world of myths

Authors: Sharikova Ludmila Anatolyevna

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2013Pages 213-220
UDK: 81’DOI:

Abstract: The myth consciousness and the archaic perception of the world are distinguished by their integrity. The Germanic (like any other) world of myths is inhabited by anthropo- and isomorphic images, to which their axiological values have long since been ascribed. The images most closely correlated with these senses-values are regarded as symbols of this ethnic mythoculture, and are further investigated by researchers via the interpretation of their conceptual meanings (correlated with the meanings of values) so as to be nevertheless able to reveal the archaic world picture, which remains to a great extent unknown and lies, it would seem, beyond the bounds of understanding. While investigating the heterogeneous senses in the isomorphic image of the Dragon in the texts of Codex Regius (King’s Code) one should take account of their deep heterogeneous senses which, on the one hand, strengthen the integrity of the Germanic world picture in the myths and, on the other hand, unveil the ancient man’s desire to possess the same magic qualities as those possessed by Dragons and other pagan deities.

Keywords: image-symbol, zoomorphic images, german folklore, world of the german myths


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