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Name: The Return of the Idiot: G. Gazdanov and F.M. Dostoevsky. Paper two

Authors: Vyacheslav A. Boyarskiy

Tomsk State University Tomsk Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2013Pages 57-64
UDK: 82.0:801DOI:

Abstract: The paper is devoted to proving the hypothesis about the influence of Dostoyevsky’s novels (above all, «The Idiot») on G. Gazdanov’s novels «Pilgrims» und «Awakening», to revealing the motifs and leitmotifs common for these works, and the correlations of the characters and ideas as well as to analyzing Gazdanov’ hidden polemics with Dostoevsky.

Keywords: dostoevsky f.m., «the idiot», gazdanov g., pilgrims, «awakening», motif, leit-motif, hidden polemics


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