Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
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Institute of Philology of
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Name: The image of Jesus Christ as a spiritual imperative in «A Writer`s Dairy» by F.M. Dostoevsky: on stating the problem of integrating the religious (orthodox) and the existential type of consciousness

Authors: Koshechko Anastasia Nikolaevna

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2012Pages 62-71
UDK: 821.161.DOI:

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the problem of interaction between the religious (orthodox) and the existential type of consciousness in F.M. Dostoevsky’s works.

Keywords: icon, existential consciousness, orthodox culture, «frontier situation», post-reform epoch, reflection, dialogue, hero


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