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Name: A literary letter as a stylistic phenomenon (on the material of M.V. Nesterov's letters)

Authors: Anna V. Kuryanovich

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2012Pages 170-179
UDK: 81.38/42DOI:

Abstract: The subject of the present paper is the analysis of the stylistic nature of a private letter as a literary fact. The letter writing is defined as a stable, well-known genre functioning in different spheres of communications, and for all that retaining its invariant features. The features characteristic of literary letters selected by stylistic criteria are figurativeness and aesthetic significance. The present research has been done on the basis of the epistolary heritage of the Russian painter М.V. Nesterov.

Keywords: epistolary the diskurs, epistolary the text, communications, genre, style, invariant model of the text, literary letter, aesthetic function of the text, figurativeness


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