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Name: Tuvinian personal names of Mongolian and Tibetan origin

Authors: Nadezhda D. Suvandy

Tuva State University, Kyzyl, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2012Pages 111-116
UDK: 484DOI:

Abstract: The paper investigates the usage of personal names of Mongolian and Tibetan origin in the Tuvinian language. The personal names borrowed from the Mongolian language and, through it, from Tibetan and Sanscrit, are distributed in time within two periods: (1) personal names borrowed from Mongolian before the appearance in Tuvinian of Russian and international names, from the 18th century till the first half of the 1940s; (2) personal names borrowed from the 1990s up to the present time. During the first period rich parents used to arrange special festivities, like those in epic sagas, for naming their children and chose mostly names borrowed from Mongolian, Tibetan and San-scrit. But from the second half of the 1940s up till the end of the 1980s the above names were used only occasionally giving way to international names. The second period of using Mongolian and Tibetan names started from the 1990s because in the republic Buddhist temples resumed their functions, and parents started applying to lamas again when giving their children names related to Buddhism.

Keywords: tuvan anthroponymes, tuvan list of names, personal names, anthroponymes tibetan and mongolian origins, borrowed names


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