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Name: Erdman as an occasion for reflections on the comic

Authors: Golovchiner Valentina Egorovna, Rusanova Oksana Nikolaevna

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 4, 2011Pages 237-245
UDK: 821DOI:

Abstract: The publication presents the materials of the 4th National Russian Conference with international participation under the joint name «The transformation and functioning of cultural models in Rus-sian literature». The conference took place at Tomsk State Pedagogical University on the 1st–2nd April, 2011, and was dedicated to the 110th birth anniversary of Nikolai Erdman. Discussed at the conference were problems of comic elements in their systemic manifestations, author’s models of comic elements in literature, theatre, cinema, as well as strategies of studying N. Erdman's works.

Keywords: comic elements, comedy, laughter in folk literature, theatre, drama, tradition, motive, author, conference, n. erdman


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