Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Kotyurova M.P., Tikhomirova L.S., Solovyovan.v. Idiostylistics of scientific speech. Our view of a scientist’s speech individuality. Perm, 2011, 300 p.

Authors: Khalina Natalia Vasilyevna

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 4, 2011Pages 234-236
UDK: 81:001.1DOI:

Abstract: The paper gives a concise survey of the main propositions of the monograph whose authors are the founders and representatives of the Perm Linguistic School M.P. Koturova, L.S. Tikhomirova. N.V. Solovyova. Also, the paper considers the concepts which are most essential for analyzing the idiostyle of scientific speech and a scientist’s speech individuality, and which are used in the framework of the discourse-functional approach to the language.

Keywords: idiostylistics of scientific speech, cognitive style of thinking, scientist’s linguistic individuality, system of individual styles of thinking, author’s tolerance in scientific communication


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