Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: The reflection of the dialectal division of the Tuvinian language in folklore texts

Authors: Bavuu-Syuryun Mira Viktorovna

Tuva State University, Kyzyl, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2011Pages 163-172
UDK: 484.3DOI:

Abstract: Folklore texts existing in the culture of the Tuvinians of Mongolia, China and Tuva, have common features but differ in the manner of performance. They are all, just as any other elements of the language, make it possible to distinguish the areas of dialects and regional versions of the Tuvinian language. Being stable formations, they create a relative chronology of linguistic phenomena.

Keywords: dialectism, dialect,lexical resources, phonetic particularities, folklore text, melodies, areal, regional peculiarities


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