Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Realization of the sign ‘motley’ in Mongolian names of insects and plants (on the basis of roots with the consonant [r])

Authors: Ekaterina V. Sundueva

East-Siberian State Academy of Culture and Art

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2011Pages 151-156
UDK: 811DOI:

Abstract: In the context of phonosemantics the paper examines the names of some insects and plants of Mongolian languages, which appeared as a result of the verbalization of visual perception. The au-thor shows that the trilled resonant [r] reflects the idea of motley, tremulous, glimpsing multitude. As a rule, it leads to inner discomfort.

Keywords: phonosemantics, mongolian languages, root morpheme, trilled resonant, visual perception, image, mentality, cognition


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