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Name: «Memoirs» by V.N. Golovina as a «pre-text» of the «St. Petersburg text» of the Russian literature

Authors: Irina A. Aizikova

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2011Pages 20-27
UDK: 821.161.DOI:

Abstract: The paper states the problem of the «St. Petersburg text» genesis in the Russian literature. Considered as one of its sources are memoirs, in particular, «Memoirs by V.N. Golovina. The paper’s author reveals and analyzes the peculiarities of the «Memoirs» which make it possible to qualify this work as a «pre-text» (V.N. Toporov’s term) of the of St. Petersburg text in the Russian liter-ture of the 19th century. The pre-text is a literary work created during the most complicated period of transition from the epoch of Enlightenment to that of Sentimentalism and Romanticism.

Keywords: st. petersburg text, pre-text, v.n. golovina, memoirs


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