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Name: S.N. Bulgakov as a literary critic (on his reception of Chekhov's works)

Authors: Anatoly S. Sobennikov

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2010Pages 87-92
UDK: 882(092)DOI:

Abstract: The article is devoted Bulgakov’s reception of Chekhov’s writings. The public lecture ‘Chekhov as Thinker’ takes in the context of his transition ‘from Marxism to idealism’. The public lecture was given at the time of the first Russian Revolution of 1905. Thus the philosopher extends the boundaries of aesthetic analysis, and considers Chekhov’s work oeuvre as a testament, while the personality of the writer becomes an example of civic service.

Keywords: s. bulgakov, chekhov, thinker, reception, religion, philosophy


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